Quotes by Al Capone

Bolshevism is knocking at our gates, we can't afford to let it in...We must keep America whole and safe and unspoiled. We must keep the worker away from red literature and red ruses; we must see that his mind remains healthy.
– Al Capone
Don't you get the idea I'm one of those goddam radicals. Don't get the idea I'm knocking the American system.
– Al Capone
I am going to St. Petersburg, Florida, tomorrow. Let the worthy citizens of Chicago get their liquor the best they can. I'm sick of the job-it's a thankless one and full of grief. I've been spending the best years of my life as a public benefactor.
– Al Capone
I don't even know what street Canada is on.
– Al Capone
Vote early and vote often.
– Al Capone
When I sell liquor, it's called bootlegging; when my patrons serve it on Lake Shore Drive, it's called hospitality.
– Al Capone
You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.
– Al Capone
You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun.
– Al Capone
I've been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War.
– Al Capone
Once in the racket you're always in it.
– Al Capone