Quotes by Eva Braun

As Frau Hoffmann so affectionately and tactlessly informed me, he has now found a replacement for me. She is called Valkyrie, and that's what she looks like, including her legs. He likes measurements of this kind, but if she is really like that, he will soon make her thin with vexation unless, like Charly, the more worries she has, the fatter she gets. Charly's vexations only stimulate her appetite.
– Eva Braun
Frau Schaub came as an ambassador bringing flowers and telegrams. The result is that my whole office resembles a flower shop and smells like a cemetery chapel.
– Eva Braun
God, I am afraid he won't give me his answer today. If only somebody would help me -- it is all so terribly depressing.
– Eva Braun
He came on Saturday. Saturday evening there was the Town Ball. Frau Schwarz gave me a box, so I absolutely had to go after I had accepted. Well, I spent a few wonderfully delightful hours with him until 12 o'clock and then with his permission I spent two hours at the ball.
– Eva Braun
He came to see me, but nary a sign of a dog or a chest of drawers. He did not even ask me what I wanted for my birthday. So I bought some jewelry for myself. A necklace, earrings, and a matching ring, all for 50 marks. All very pretty, and I hope he likes it. If he doesn't, then he should choose something for me himself.
– Eva Braun
He has so often told me he is madly in love with me, but what does that mean when I haven't had a good word from him in three months?
– Eva Braun
He only needs me for certain purposes, otherwise it is not possible. This is idiocy.
– Eva Braun
I am racking my brains to find out why he left without saying good-by to me.
– Eva Braun
I am so infinitely happy that he loves me so much, and I pray that it will always be like this. It won't be my fault if he ever stops loving me.
– Eva Braun
I have made up my mind to take 35 pills this time, and it will be dead certain. If only he would let someone call.
– Eva Braun
I have now reached the happy age of 23. No, happy is not quite the right word. At this particular moment I am certainly not happy.
– Eva Braun
I sat with him for three hours and we did not exchange a single word. At the end he handed me, as he had done before, an envelope with money in it. It would have been much nicer if he had enclosed a greeting or a loving word. I would have been so pleased if he had.
– Eva Braun
If I had a dog I would not feel so lonely, but I suppose that is asking for too much.
– Eva Braun
In the end we went to the railroad station, as he suddenly decided he would have to go. We were just in time to see the last lights of the train disappearing. Once again Hoffmann left the house too late, and so I couldn't even say good-by to him. Perhaps I am taking too dark a view, I hope I am, but he is not coming again for another two weeks.
– Eva Braun
On Sunday he promised I could see him. I telephoned to the Osteria and left a message with Werlin to say that I was waiting to hear from him. He simply went off to Feldafing, and refused Hoffmann's invitation to coffee and dinner. I suppose there are two sides to every question.
– Eva Braun
Perhaps he wanted to be alone with Dr. G., who was here, but he should have let me know. At Hoffmann's I felt I was sitting on hot coals, expecting him to arrive every moment.
– Eva Braun
So he has had a head full of politics all this time, but surely it is time he relaxed a little. What happened last year? Didn't Roehm and Italy give him a lot of problems, but in spite of all that he found time for me.
– Eva Braun
The nicest thing is that he is thinking of taking me from the shop and - but I had better not get excited about it yet - he may give me a little house. I simply must not let myself think about it. It would be marvelous. I wouldn't have to open the door to our beloved customers, and go on being a shopgirl. Dear God, grant that this may really happen not in some far-off time, but soon.
– Eva Braun
There is only one thing I want. I would like to be seriously ill, and to hear nothing more about him for at least a week. Why doesn't something happen to me? Why do I have to go through all this? If only I had never set eyes on him!
– Eva Braun
Today I bought two lottery tickets, because I had a feeling that it would be now or never--they were both blanks. So I am not going to be rich after all. Nothing at all to be done about it.
– Eva Braun
We'll see. If I don't get an answer before this evening, I'll take 25 pills and gently fall asleep into another world.
– Eva Braun
What is important is not to give up hope. I should have learned to be patient by now.
– Eva Braun
When he says he loves me, it only means he loves me at that particular instant. Like his promises, which he never keeps. Why does he torment me like this, when he could finish it off at once?
– Eva Braun
Why doesn't that Devil take me with him? It would be much better with him than it is here.
– Eva Braun