Quotes by John Mason Brown

A good conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said, but says what someone wants to remember.
– John Mason Brown
America is a land where men govern, but women rule.
– John Mason Brown
Among the Round Tablers at the Algonquin Hotel, Sherwood stood out like a grandfather's clock. The tick of his talk was measured, his words seeming to be spaced by minutes, but when he chimed he struck gaily.
– John Mason Brown
Charm is a glow within a woman that casts a most becoming light on others.
– John Mason Brown
Friendship should be a private pleasure, not a public boast. I loathe those braggarts who are forever trying to invest themselves with importance by calling important people by their first names in or out of print. Such first-naming for effect makes me cringe.
– John Mason Brown
He played the king as if afraid someone else would play the ace.
– John Mason Brown
How prophetic L'Enfant was when he laid out Washington as a city that goes around in circles!
– John Mason Brown
I am as content to die for God's eternal truth on the scaffold as in any other way.
– John Mason Brown
I am ready any time. Do not keep me waiting.
– John Mason Brown
I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with Blood.
– John Mason Brown
No one is worthy of a good home here or in heaven that is not willing to be in peril for a good cause.
– John Mason Brown
She knows what is the best purpose of education: not to be frightened by the best but to treat it as part of daily life.
– John Mason Brown
So often we rob tomorrow's memories by today's economies.
– John Mason Brown
Some television programs are so much chewing gum for the eyes.
– John Mason Brown
The comic book is the marijuana of the nursery, the bane of the bassinet, the horror of the home, the curse of the kids and a threat to the future.
– John Mason Brown
The critic is a man who prefers the indolence of opinion to the trials of action.
– John Mason Brown
The more one has seen of the good, the more one asks for the better.
– John Mason Brown
The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.
– John Mason Brown