Quotes by Jonah Goldberg

After all, political correctness is/was in many ways an attempt by the puritan left to reinvent Victorian morality without any reference to God or religion or tradition, rooting it instead in victimology and neo-Romanticism.
– Jonah Goldberg
Editors exist [because] most people don't have time to rummage through vast piles of hay for the specific needles they're looking for; we want professional needle-finders.
– Jonah Goldberg
First Amendment absolutists think it's outrageous whenever a strip club is banned, but the same people have no problem with keeping Wal-Mart or McDonald's out of their town or banning cigarette advertising.
– Jonah Goldberg
Getting the support of Syria is the moral equivalent of winning the Klan's endorsement - it might be useful but it doesn't necessarily speak well of you.
– Jonah Goldberg
I have a simple answer to any American patriot who claims there is no conflict between his/her love of country and his/her desire to hitch our fate to the United Nations: 'You're mistaken.'
– Jonah Goldberg
If power made one evil, then God would be the Devil.
– Jonah Goldberg
If we say that anyone who moralizes must be perfect morally then we are in effect saying no one can moralize.
– Jonah Goldberg
Liberty has turned into licentiousness, and tolerance for dissenters has become little more than rank relativism and nihilism. All perspectives are equally valid, which means no perspective is truly valid.
– Jonah Goldberg
Men are disgusting and, left to their own devices, they will affront the central tenets of human decency - and laugh uproariously at it.
– Jonah Goldberg
Our fear of hypocrisy is forcing us to live in a world where gluttons are fine, so long as they champion gluttony.
– Jonah Goldberg
The problem with the United Nations is that while democracy within nations is the best available form of government, democracy among nations can be a moral disaster -- especially if some nations are not democracies.
– Jonah Goldberg
I think as - all in all, it's better to have a cool president than a not cool president.
– Jonah Goldberg
But if the choice is a cool president and 8 or 10 percent unemployment in a declining economy and a country that seems to be going in the wrong direction and structural unemployment for young people at 50 percent, I'd rather have a dorky president who fixed those problems.
– Jonah Goldberg