Quotes by Pir Vilayat Khan

A perfect human being: Man in search of his ideal of perfection. Nothing less.
– Pir Vilayat Khan
In dream consciousness... we make things happen by wishing them, because we are not only the observer of what we experience but also the creator.
– Pir Vilayat Khan
The adept may reach one of those rare moments that spell illumination - aware of the light of the consciousness that illumines our consciousness as the sun dawns on the sleeping earth and bathes it in effulgence.
– Pir Vilayat Khan
The essential part of our being can only survive if the transient part dissolves. Death is a condition of survival. That which has been gained must be eternalized, and can only be eternalized by being transmuted, by passing through death they must return.
– Pir Vilayat Khan