Quotes by Theophrastus

I would define boastfulness to be the pretension to good which the boaster does not possess.
– Theophrastus
Late-learning, I think, is the desire for learning inconsistent with one's advanced age.
– Theophrastus
One may define flattery as a base companionship which is most advantageous to the flatterer.
– Theophrastus
Surliness is incivility in speech.
– Theophrastus
The man of petty ambition if invited to dinner will be eager to be set next his host.
– Theophrastus
The unseasonable man is the sort of person who comes up to you when you are head over ears in work and confides to you all about it. He serenades his mistress when she is ill with fever. He approaches a man who has been cast in a surety case and asks him to stand surety for him. He appears to give evidence after the verdict is given.
– Theophrastus
We must consider the distinctive characters and the general nature of plants from the point of view of their morphology , their behavior under external conditions, their mode of generation, and the whole course of their life.
– Theophrastus
[Time is] the most valuable thing a man can spend.
– Theophrastus