Quotes by Thomas Ravenscroft

Nose, nose, nose, nose! And who gave you that jolly red nose! Sinamont and ginger, nutmegs and cloves, And that gave me my jolly red nose!
– Thomas Ravenscroft
What fruits my selfe in particular haue receiu'd by that one particular Lecture of Musicke (whereof I was an unworthie Auditor) I dutifully acknowledge to haue proceeded from that Colledge; and doe heere Commende and Dedicate them to your Worshipps, Who are Visitors and Guardians of that most famous Foundation, from whence I haue receiu'd such benefit in these my studies.
– Thomas Ravenscroft
What I gave I have, what I spent I had, what I left I lost by not giving it.
– Thomas Ravenscroft