Quotes by Tony Wilson

And tonight something equally epoch-making is taking place. See? They're applauding the DJ. Not the music, not the musician, not the creator, but the medium. This is it. The birth of rave culture. The beatification of the beat. The dance age. This is the moment when even the white man starts dancing. Welcome to Manchester.
– Tony Wilson
Energy, energy? Energy is, is, it's nothing more than a lot of new age hokum masquerading as religion.
– Tony Wilson
Every band needs it's own special chemistry. And Bez was a very good chemist.
– Tony Wilson
Factory Records are not actually a company. We are an experiment in human nature. You're labouring under the misapprehension that we actually have a deal with, er, with our, our bands. That we have any kind of a contract, er, at all, and I'm afraid we, er, we don't because that's, er, that's the sum total of the paperwork to do with Factory Records, deal with, er, their various bands.
– Tony Wilson
I am not a piece of hash. I'm in charge of Factory Records. I think.
– Tony Wilson
I'm a minor player in my own life story.
– Tony Wilson
Jazz is the last refuge of the untalented. Jazz musicians enjoy themselves more than anyone listening to them does.
– Tony Wilson
This scene didn't actually make it to the final cut. I'm sure it'll be on the DVD.
– Tony Wilson
The special relationship between the region and a regional celebrity means that people feel that they have a special investment in you.
– Tony Wilson