Quotes by William Gilbert

Ambassadors cropped up like hay, Prime Ministers and such as they grew like asparagus in May, and dukes were three a penny.
– William Gilbert
And all is right as right can be.
– William Gilbert
And I am right, And you are right, Modified rapture!
– William Gilbert
But the privilege and pleasure that we treasure beyond measure is to run on little errands for the Ministers of State.
– William Gilbert
He combines the manners of a Marquis with the morals of a Methodist.
– William Gilbert
I always voted at my party's call, and I never thought of thinking for myself at all.
– William Gilbert
I have a left shoulder-blade that is a miracle of loveliness. People come miles to see it. My right elbow has a fascination that few can resist.
– William Gilbert
If you wish in this world to advance your merits you're bound to enhance; You must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, Or, trust me, you haven't a chance.
– William Gilbert
In follies and fables do philosophers of the vulgar sort take delight; and with such like do they cram readers a-hungered for things obtruse, and every ignorant gaper for nonsense.
– William Gilbert
In the discovery of secret things and in the investigation of hidden causes, stronger reasons are obtained from sure experiments and demonstrated arguments than from probable conjectures and the opinions of philosophical speculators of the common sort.
– William Gilbert
It revolts me but I do it!
– William Gilbert
Man is nature's sole mistake.
– William Gilbert
No one can have a higher opinion of him than I have, and I think he's a dirty little beast.
– William Gilbert
Philosophy is for the few.
– William Gilbert
The House of Peers, throughout the war, did nothing in particular, and did it very well.
– William Gilbert
We will hang you, never fear, Most politely, most politely.
– William Gilbert
While Darwinian Man, though well-behaved. At best is only a monkey shaved!
– William Gilbert
You have no idea what a poor opinion I have of myself and how little I deserve it.
– William Gilbert
Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.
– William Gilbert
Things are seldom what they seem, skim milk masquerades as cream.
– William Gilbert
When everyone is somebody, then no one's anybody.
– William Gilbert
My object all sublime I shall achieve in time...
– William Gilbert