Quotes by Alice Hoffman

Among men and women, those in love do not always announce themselves with declarations and vows. But they are the ones who weep when you're gone. Who miss you every single night, especially when the sky is so deep and beautiful, and the ground so very cold.
– Alice Hoffman
Books may well be the only true magic.
– Alice Hoffman
When all is said and done, the weather and love are the two elements about which one can never be sure.
– Alice Hoffman
Mothers always find ways to fit in the work - but then when you're working, you feel that you should be spending time with your children and then when you're with your children, you're thinking about working.
– Alice Hoffman
I think growing up is difficult and it's a process that I'm always interested in, with kids and adults, they are often on two different universes.
– Alice Hoffman
I feel more influenced in my own work by dreams than I do by other writers' works in a way. Or by popular culture, movies - what else is there to write about than love and loss?
– Alice Hoffman
All the characters in my books are imagined, but all have a bit of who I am in them - much like the characters in your dreams are all formed by who you are.
– Alice Hoffman