Quotes by Bill Bixby

Anytime the sponsors or networks aren't beefing, that's the time to start worrying. There are really two reasons: either they are perfectly happy with the way your show is going, which is highly unlikely, or they've already written you off and haven't gotten around to writing up your cancellation notice, yet.
– Bill Bixby
As a viewer, I want to make the choice as to when to laugh. I don't want to be told. I want to get credit for some kind of intelligence.
– Bill Bixby
Do you realize if one-tenth of one-percent write out of possibly 40 million viewers - 40,000 write - the weight that would carry? Is that too much to ask - that one tenth of one per cent be attentive to what they see? To take control of their own lives? Or do they want to remain children and give that control away?
– Bill Bixby
I believe that people who do not vote in this country have no right to complain about the government that we are now living under. By the same token, if you don't really vote in television, you're never going to have your way. Write a letter to the president of the network.
– Bill Bixby
I'll say one thing for television. It has taken children and educated them far beyond anything I was ever involved with as a child.
– Bill Bixby
Parents should watch what their children watch and not use TV as a babysitter. If a show is objectionable they should turn it OFF. They should write the president of the network and tell him they are never going to watch that program again and why.
– Bill Bixby
Situation comedies are old-fashioned - they stick to formulas. I resent their music which is old fashioned. I resent the use of a laugh track.
– Bill Bixby
The male image has been so pulled down by situation comedy in the last 15 years, it is frightening. I don't like what has happened to the American male.
– Bill Bixby
TV is a major force in our lives - a FORCE. It must be handled very carefully, both its censure and its artistic honesty.
– Bill Bixby
Viewers can't expect TV to keep developing unless they make their wants known. And let's face it. The best way to make your wants known in this world is by 'beefing'.
– Bill Bixby