Quotes by Bode Miller

But there was no question in my mind that I was gonna still go for it. I was still going for the win. I wasn't skiing for second or third place today, and in the end I think that's probably what got me there.
– Bode Miller
I always do the contrary of what my coaches tell me.
– Bode Miller
In some ways, that's the story of my season - when I wasn't making big mistakes, I was winning races and being on the podium. And when I made mistakes I was still fourth or fifth, just off the podium.
– Bode Miller
It's not quite as important who you beat as that you end up on top.
– Bode Miller
My goal is the same as every year - to not hurt myself.
– Bode Miller
Once the season starts for me, there isn't a change in my focus, just a change in my tactics and strategies.
– Bode Miller
People in the U.S. will watch anything if it's put in front of their face over and over again. I like to see what's possible, more than anything.
– Bode Miller
Records are less important for me than what if feel when I come down the mountain.
– Bode Miller
That feeling is the same whether you're on either side of the hundredths. Obviously, it's great to win the world championship, but if you put down that kind of skiing, it's awesome either way.
– Bode Miller
The F.I.S. needs a role model. If there's a time for it to happen, and a person to make it happen, it's probably now and me.
– Bode Miller
We've got a lot of momentum, a lot of confidence we're doing the right stuff because the athletes are showing it, especially in the big championships.
– Bode Miller
When you back off, it's easier to do mistakes. For me it's better to ski fast.
– Bode Miller
We should tell our kids to just have fun, participate and not get bent on winning or losing. But every coach, when they say that, they say it tongue in cheek, 'Don't worry about winning': If you win I'll get you ice cream, but if you lose I'm going to pout in the car.
– Bode Miller
My sister has three kids so I've spent a lot of time around children and I've always really liked them and wanted my own. It's cool because you think all babies are the same but they aren't at all. They all have such different personalities. It's crazy.
– Bode Miller
My mom played the recorder. But not having electricity, we had minimal exposure to music. As I got a little older, we had Walkmans and things that were battery-powered, but it would have been nice to be growing up in the iPod era. A tape only has six songs on a side.
– Bode Miller
My daughter's name is Neesyn Dacey but everyone calls her Dacey. Her mom chose Neesyn and I chose Dacey after she was born. The mother is a good friend of mine who I was seeing a while ago. We are no longer together.
– Bode Miller
It's nice, being brought up with no money at all. It's just not how I measure success, so that makes it a bunch easier.
– Bode Miller
I don't put anything in front of taking ski racing and sports seriously.
– Bode Miller