Quotes by Charles Sanders Pierce

If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age.
– Charles Sanders Pierce
If you ever become a mother, can I have one of the puppies?
– Charles Sanders Pierce
It's better to be black than gay because when you're black you don't have to tell your mother.
– Charles Sanders Pierce
The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4:00 a.m.
– Charles Sanders Pierce
There is one thing even more vital to science than intelligent methods; and that is, the sincere desire to find out the truth, whatever it may be.
– Charles Sanders Pierce
Looking out of my window this lovely spring morning I see an azalea in full bloom. No, no! I do not see that; though that is the only way I can describe what I see. That is a proposition, a sentence, a fact; but what I perceive is not proposition, sentence, fact, but only an image which I make intelligible in part by means of a statement of fact. This statement is abstract; but what I see is concrete.
– Charles Sanders Pierce