Quotes by Dan Hicks

About 10 years ago, I took some vocal lessons. I'll bet that helped. I got a tape of exercises that the girl gave me, which I don't do anymore, but they were good. And I don't smoke.
– Dan Hicks
Acid was kind of a thing that was done on the day off. We took one trip, got in four or five cars and headed out to the lake, this Indian Burial Ground, we made some films, super 8, you can see us running around in the dark, stayed out all night, no sleeping bags, that didn't seem strange, just lay down on the ground to sleep, on acid.
– Dan Hicks
And it really is a good feeling to get up there and make that sound. I'm not stuck in a time warp, because I can use as many of the old songs as I want to, just the favorites.
– Dan Hicks
At 19 or 20 in Junior College I had a friend who was strumming a guitar and getting into folk, and I wanted to do that too.
– Dan Hicks
I don't dictate the solos and I don't dictate the vocal harmonies.
– Dan Hicks
I don't think I'd want a revival. I'm not doing a tribute to myself.
– Dan Hicks
I guess my idea of a good audience is one that's quiet and listens, but also that's alive: they respond, they're getting the jokes, they're with me. And that' s been happening.
– Dan Hicks
I had different bands. I played with the Acoustic Warriors for the most part, without girl singers. It was the same kind of sound, acoustic guitar, bass, with violin and sometimes accordion, and the guys would sing, that kind of thing.
– Dan Hicks
I haven't been drinking for years now. Something's got to give. I don't mind that I'm a guy that's stopped drinking, though this interview is making me mighty thirsty.
– Dan Hicks
I joined the Charlatans in '65, and have clippings of me as a solo act as early as '63 in coffee houses. I was a folksinger, with a few original songs, doing a little fingerpicking.
– Dan Hicks
I reformed the Hot Licks, and in essence it was just adding girl singers for the first time in decades and hitting the road, playing out a lot with this six-piece band. The advice through the years had been to have girl singers with me again, so I did that.
– Dan Hicks
I was always looking to record, but how much I actually pursued it was another thing. The major labels weren't that interested in me, and the smaller labels didn't have any money to do anything.
– Dan Hicks
I was in the Santa Rosa Musician's Union. Get gigs, come out and play. Four or five guys who never played together show up and play dance music.
– Dan Hicks
I was only fond of the music up to a point. Rock and roll wasn't really my love.
– Dan Hicks
It's not about retro or modern, it's about this note or that note, which sounds better?
– Dan Hicks
My parents were country & western fans, and the regular station would have been country. In Junior High I started liking jazz: swing and Benny Goodman.
– Dan Hicks
My stuff was more of a folk coffeehouse thing, with more acoustic guitar, just me doing a single, and then adding on instruments and voices, with emphasis on lyrics and singing and light kind of acoustic jazz.
– Dan Hicks
Right now, I'm thinking in terms of just having a good band, man. Having a good act for the stage. Being a good performer, you know? Connected to that is future recordings, and future tunes, that kind of stuff.
– Dan Hicks
There seem to be fans, a cross-section too, age-wise, people who dug it in the Seventies and people coming to see me for the first time. New fans.
– Dan Hicks
There's been a big buzz about the Charlatans in the last couple of years. I've heard the word Charlatans more in the last few years than I'd heard it for the previous 20 years. People would interview me for years and never even mention the Charlatans.
– Dan Hicks
There's some pictures of me playing hollow bodies, but I never last long. I always come back to the acoustic.
– Dan Hicks
There've been periods where I had to convince the audience or win them over.
– Dan Hicks