Quotes by David Hunt

Al Qaeda is in 80 different countries. We need to harass these terrorist groups, everywhere - in Saudi Arabia, in Yemen, North Korea, the Sudan, Algeria, and Zimbabwe. And then there's the Russian mafia. We need to screw around with their banks, to squeeze them.
– David Hunt
Because of the 9/11 commissions, people are sweating scared about what happened. We sucked! We sucked, and we got hurt. 800 Americans were killed over 20 years in terrorist actions, and what did we do? We shot a couple of missiles.
– David Hunt
Don't even get me started on homeland security! It was courageous for Bush to do, but you can't do anything without intel. They talk about sharing - we know they don't share. You can't get the job done without intel.
– David Hunt
I don't care if I have a whole division full of lesbians, if they can do the job. Look, we kicked out a bunch of gay men who were linguists, Arabic specialists. What kind of stupidity is that?
– David Hunt
I went to Norwich University in Vermont, a private military college - the oldest private military college in the country, thank you very much! - on a hockey scholarship and studied English.
– David Hunt
I'm in favor of competent people doing their job - I don't care how you go to the bathroom. It's said that Jessica Lynch killed a lot of people, which is why they tortured her so much. It ain't about sex. If I'm with you on the battlefield, we're not going to do it! We're too tired and too scared to have sex.
– David Hunt
If we're going to spend more money, it should go to the soldiers, Marines, and airmen to increase their salaries.
– David Hunt
Most of the men who complain about lower numbers of push-ups and chin-ups for women - they're the fat guys at the desks who can't do 'em themselves!
– David Hunt
North Korea is the biggest threat right now. Kim Jong Il is a wild card. North Korean society has collapsed on itself: There aren't many dogs or cats, there are no lights on at night. When someone like that is so isolated and has the bomb, we're in danger. We have to worry about the Russian mafia. Russia has collapsed, it's a corrupt society.
– David Hunt
Publicly, we're saying we're better at fighting terrorism. Privately, we know that the bureaucracy has only gotten worse, since the high-level people are scared of being held responsible for 9/11.
– David Hunt
Rumsfeld, because he's been in the Pentagon and is a rich and arrogant millionaire - he's going to get it done.
– David Hunt
Some Marines made fun of the fact that I had done plays and studied poetry, but then I won the award for physical training.
– David Hunt
The FBI is a fabulous crime-fighter, the best in the world, but they need to get out of the terrorism business. We need something to fight terrorism domestically that's not fighting banks. Maybe like the British MI-5.
– David Hunt
The Homeland Security department doesn't have tasking authority in the intelligence community. They can ask for stuff, but they can't direct anything except inside their bureau.
– David Hunt
The problem is, the old guys just can't let go. There's a lot of bureaucratic resistance.
– David Hunt
They're the only growth industry in the military right now. But there's always a use for conventional forces.
– David Hunt
We can't be politically correct - right or left - in the war on terrorism. Period.
– David Hunt
We have not solved the bureaucracy and, because of the war, the Bush administration has been understandably focused on that.
– David Hunt
We know who's attacking us, but we pull over grandmothers so that when we go to court we can show that we're treating white women the same way. Everyone knows that's the wrong thing to do.
– David Hunt
We need to destroy all those poppy fields. We could be much more aggressive in that area.
– David Hunt
We should have been changing since the fall of Communism. That being said, we saw the value of the tank and the Bradley in this last war, both heavy. But the problem is, we need to be able to transport them to the theater much more quickly. We just can't have six-month buildups.
– David Hunt
Firemen can do almost everything. You already trust them in life-threatening situations why not let them help you with your everyday problems, too?
– David Hunt