Quotes by David Walker

As the skipper used to say, Where's that effing dog? , and you'd take a look and you'd see it swimming away behind like.
– David Walker
I was an able-seaman, a deck hand. As I say, it's the way to see the world and get paid for it.
– David Walker
In the middle, middle of the monsoon season, lying there soaking wet and the spoilsports didn't come! And that's when I had, because I can always remember just lying there saying to myself, the water just running down my neck and that, I said, 'Well David. There's not many people get a twenty first birthday party like this.'
– David Walker
Then it ended up at the Farne Salmon at Duns and I stayed there about eight years, 'til I retired. I should really have got a gold watch because they don't usually stay that long with Fane Salmon!
– David Walker
Well, for the young man, I mean, I just went to an infantry regiment but there's always your corps, the engineers and I mean that all just gives you a good sounding for if you were coming out into civvy street, for the jobs. But I think it was the biggest mistake when they ever stopped it.
– David Walker
Well, it was just, the bars was all just like the bamboo roofs and everything. You know. As I say, to me, it's completely spoiled all, all these places now. Make them all just tourist traps.
– David Walker
Well, mines was a sub machine gun. That was my personal weapon with being the first person in the patrol. I used to lead the patrol. Used to have a leading scout, a second scout and then the officer. The officer would be third. As I say, it was educational.
– David Walker
When, we used to go down to Singapore or Selarang Garrison you know, for leave and then back country but the company I was in, we always seemed to get into trouble and we always seemed to get sent back up again.
– David Walker