Quotes by Edna Ferber

A closed mind is a dying mind.
– Edna Ferber
A woman can look both moral and exciting... if she also looks as if it was quite a struggle.
– Edna Ferber
Being an old maid is like death by drowning, a really delightful sensation after you cease to struggle.
– Edna Ferber
Big doesn't necessarily mean better. Sunflowers aren't better than violets.
– Edna Ferber
Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling.
– Edna Ferber
I am not belittling the brave pioneer men but the sunbonnet as well as the sombrero has helped to settle this glorious land of ours.
– Edna Ferber
Life can't defeat a writer who is in love with writing, for life itself is a writer's lover until death.
– Edna Ferber
Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, causing you to bump into people not going your way.
– Edna Ferber
Only amateurs say that they write for their own amusement. Writing is not an amusing occupation. It is a combination of ditch-digging, mountain-climbing, treadmill and childbirth... But amusing? Never.
– Edna Ferber
Roast Beef, medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy. Seated at Life's Dining Table, with the menu of Morals before you, your eye wanders a bit over the entrTes, the hors d'oeuvres, and the things a la though you know that Roast Beef, medium, is safe and sane, and sure.
– Edna Ferber
Writers should be read but not seen. Rarely are they a winsome sight.
– Edna Ferber
Your idea of bliss is to wake up on a Monday morning knowing you haven't a single engagement for the entire week. You are cradled in a white paper cocoon tied up with typewriter ribbon.
– Edna Ferber
Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little.
– Edna Ferber
If American politics are too dirty for women to take part in, there's something wrong with American politics.
– Edna Ferber