Quotes by Emily Rossum

Definitely since I left the opera, my musical tastes have become much more eclectic. I'm much more influenced now by Evanescence, Sarah McLachlan, Jewel, those kinds of people. Um, I mean, even Eminem - those kinds of people are on my iPod.
– Emily Rossum
I am interested in recording an album because it would be an opportunity to express the feelings I have inside, not playing a character. I just think I have this thing inside me, this need to create and to express feelings whether that's in film, or in music which is an emotional expression as well.
– Emily Rossum
I know that I am my worst critic. I know that if I can walk away from the set at the end of the day and feel that I did the best job I could and feel proud, that's what will satisfy me.
– Emily Rossum
I started singing at the Met when I was seven, and the competition was so fierce that it really prepared me.
– Emily Rossum
I started working when I was seven and I was working for five dollars a night at the Met.
– Emily Rossum
I think I kind of came out of the womb singing. I think I was, like, born at the hospital, and, you know, popped out, and was singing. ... I'm not sure really how it happened. I can't remember a time when I wasn't singing, or banging a beat on the dinner table.
– Emily Rossum
I try to keep myself as sane and as grounded as possible by surrounding myself with normal people, such as all the friends that I've had from when I was little.
– Emily Rossum
I wanted to be an astronaut or a doctor. I was great in science. All the other girls in my class wanted to be actresses. They used to go into the library and look through the old yearbooks for Gwyneth Paltrow's picture.
– Emily Rossum
I've been in the studio experimenting on making a CD of my own. I'm trying out different producers, styles, sounds. With music, as opposed to acting, you are not playing a character. You are showing people who you are. I really want to have my spirit in it.
– Emily Rossum
I've learned to take jobs as an actress that is meaningful to me because I've never taken a job for the money.
– Emily Rossum
It's so funny. Every time I sit down in the classroom, my book bag rings and it's my cell phone, and it's Joel (Schumacher) or Clint (Eastwood) going, 'Do you want to do this movie? - and I can't turn an opportunity like that down.
– Emily Rossum
The first time that I got to a set, which was As the World Turns, I said to my mom, God, it's so small. Where are all the animals and the horses and the donkeys.
– Emily Rossum