Quotes by Fay Weldon

Beauty is the first present nature gives to women and the first it takes away.
– Fay Weldon
I love acting. It is so much more real than life.
– Fay Weldon
Men are irrelevant.
– Fay Weldon
No one could be more happy than a man who has never known affliction.
– Fay Weldon
Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind: repetitive application - practice. What you practice is what you manifest.
– Fay Weldon
People give us credit only for what we ourselves believe.
– Fay Weldon
Reliable office staff come in the shape of mature married women working from 9.30 to 3.30 (inside school hours) during which they will do more than the 9-5ers.
– Fay Weldon
The greatest things are accomplished by individual people, not by committees or companies.
– Fay Weldon
There's no such thing as old age, there is only sorrow.
– Fay Weldon
Young women especially have something invested in being nice people, and it's only when you have children that you realise you're not a nice person at all, but generally a selfish bully.
– Fay Weldon