Quotes by Harriet Van Horne

Closing these two books, a reader senses that Joan Crawford, idol of an age, would have made an exemplary prison matron, possibly at Buchenwald. She had the requisite sadism, paranoia and taste for violence.
– Harriet Van Horne
Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.
– Harriet Van Horne
One who roams the channels after dark, searching for buried treasure.
– Harriet Van Horne
Rarely in broadcasting history has so much been riding on the whimsical flick of a few thousand wrists.
– Harriet Van Horne
The time of the rack and the screws is come. Summer television has set in with its usual severity. And the small screen, where late the sweet birds sang, is now awash with repeats, reruns, rejects, replacements and reversions to the primitive.
– Harriet Van Horne
There are days when any electrical appliance in the house, including the vacuum cleaner, seems to offer more entertainment possibilities than the television set.
– Harriet Van Horne