Quotes by Hesiod

I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was a boy, we were taught to be discrete and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise and impatient of restraint.
– Hesiod
If you add a little to a little, and then do it again, soon that little shall be much.
– Hesiod
The best is he who calls men to the best. And those who heed the call are also blessed. But worthless who call not, heed not, but rest.
– Hesiod
The man who does evil to another does evil to himself, and the evil counsel is most evil for him who counsels it.
– Hesiod
Before the gates of excellence the high gods have placed sweat; long is the road thereto and rough and steep at first; but when the heights are reached, then there is ease, though grievously hard in the winning.
– Hesiod
He for himself weaves woe who weaves for others woe, and evil counsel on the counselor recoils.
– Hesiod
Man's chiefest treasure is a sparing tongue.
– Hesiod
Observe due measure, for right timing is in all things the most important.
– Hesiod
A bad neighbor is a misfortune, as much as a good one is a great blessing.
– Hesiod
Do not seek evil gains; evil gains are the equivalent of disaster.
– Hesiod
He harms himself who does harm to another, and the evil plan is most harmful to the planner.
– Hesiod
Often an entire city has suffered because of an evil man.
– Hesiod
The dawn speeds a man on his journey, and speeds him too in his work.
– Hesiod
Whoever, fleeing marriage and the sorrows that women cause, does not wish to wed comes to a deadly old age.
– Hesiod
Whoever has trusted a woman has trusted deceivers.
– Hesiod
Giving is good, but taking is bad and brings death.
– Hesiod
For both faith and want of faith have destroyed men alike.
– Hesiod
Do not let a flattering woman coax and wheedle you and deceive you she is after your barn.
– Hesiod
Bring a wife home to your house when you are of the right age, not far short of 30 years, nor much above this is the right time for marriage.
– Hesiod