Quotes by James Morris

A scent of jasmine and a rasp of sand.
– James Morris
New Delhi is trying to show that greatness can be voted into office, if applied for in triplicate, through the proper channels.
– James Morris
Seduction but in a slightly medicinal way.
– James Morris
The gentle, empty, haunting faces of the young prostitutes, in virginal white and vicarage embroidery.
– James Morris
The gray, immense and unmistakably Central European sky. air slightly perfumed with petrol and boiled potatoes.
– James Morris
There is a lull to the very air of the place, the creaking of the tall teak forests, the lapping of the canals, the gentle swaying of the little kingfishers who sit like neat blue idols on almost every telegraph wire.
– James Morris
There it stands ablaze, like a slab of fire, with its parade of white flagstaffs gleaming in the street light, and the humped black limousines patient at the door.
– James Morris
When at last you cross the road to the United Nations, it is like traversing some unmarked but crucial frontier.
– James Morris