Quotes by Lefty Gomez

A lot of things run through your head when you're going in to relieve in a tight spot. One of them was, Should I spike myself?
– Lefty Gomez
I talked to the ball a lot of times in my career. I yelled, Go foul. Go foul.
– Lefty Gomez
I was the worst hitter ever. I never even broke a bat until last year when I was backing out of the garage.
– Lefty Gomez
I'd rather be lucky than good.
– Lefty Gomez
I'm the guy that made Joe DiMaggio famous.
– Lefty Gomez
I've got a new invention. It's a revolving bowl for tired goldfish.
– Lefty Gomez
If you don't throw it, they can't hit it.
– Lefty Gomez
No one hit home runs the way Babe did. They were something special. They were like homing pigeons. The ball would leave the bat, pause briefly, suddenly gain its bearings, then take off for the stands.
– Lefty Gomez
One rule I had was make your best pitch and back up third base. That relay might get away and you've got another shot at him.
– Lefty Gomez
The secret of my success was clean living and a fast outfield.
– Lefty Gomez
When Neil Armstong first set foot on the moon, he and all the space scientists were puzzled by an unidentifiable white object. I knew immediately what it was. That was a home run ball hit off me in 1973 by Jimmie Foxx.
– Lefty Gomez