Quotes by Lewis H. Morgan

It is probable that the successive arts of subsistence which arose at long intervals will ultimately, from the great influence they must have exercised upon the condition of mankind, afford the most satisfactory bases for these divisions.
– Lewis H. Morgan
It is worthy of remembrance that the Iroquois commended to our forefathers a union of colonies similar to their own as early as 1775.
– Lewis H. Morgan
To aggravate these adverse influences, the public estimation of the Indian, resting, as it does, upon an imperfect knowledge of his character, and tinctured, as it ever has been, with the coloring of prejudice, is universally unjust.
– Lewis H. Morgan
Tradition relates that the war which ended in the expulsion of the Eries about the year 1653, from the western part of New York, originated in a breach of faith or trechery on the part of the Eries, in a Ball game to which they had challenged the Senecas.
– Lewis H. Morgan