Quotes by Meriwether Lewis

The musquetos continue to infest us in such manner that we can scarcely exist. My dog even howls with the torture he experiences.
– Meriwether Lewis
With rispect to all those persons whose names are entered on this roll, I feel a peculiar pleasure in declaring, that the Ample support which they gave me under every difficulty; the manly firmness which they evinced on every necessary occasion; and the patience and fortitude with which they submited to, and bore, the fatigues and painful sufferings incident to my late tour to the Pacific Ocean, entitles them to my warmest approbation and thanks.
– Meriwether Lewis
We had high and boisterous winds last night and this morning: the Indians continue to purchase repairs with grain of different kinds.
– Meriwether Lewis
The rain, which had continued yesterday and last night, ceased this morning. We then proceeded, and after passing two small islands about ten miles further, stopped for the night at Piper's landing, opposite another island.
– Meriwether Lewis
A clear cold morning with high wind: we caught in a trap a large gray wolf, and last night obtained in the same way a fox who had for some time infested the neighbourhood of the fort.
– Meriwether Lewis