Quotes by Michael Bruce

Have you heard? Nazz posters are on sale in Phoenix at Bill's records. This is a hint that you should buy a couple.
– Michael Bruce
I am like a songwriter/guitar player without a band, like Chuck Berry.
– Michael Bruce
I do like to write but I also like to get and out and play. I am losing track of all the Cooper versions that I do - I have one for Iceland, different one over here.
– Michael Bruce
I got out of Grade school. I was in the Eighth Grade and I started playing guitar. I was into folk singing - Peter, Paul & Mary - until I heard the Beatles.
– Michael Bruce
I watch a lot of MTV - you know I see too much, hear too much. I try not to listen to too much music in case I pick-up the wrong thing.
– Michael Bruce
I've got them in the can and I am looking for a label.
– Michael Bruce
It started twelve and went on until twelve. I never had to buy a drink all day!
– Michael Bruce
It's a gamble. A band like Kiss, a lot of those are our audience but we don't do as much make-up. Alice would have more to lose if we got back together.
– Michael Bruce
Played Iceland and froze my butt off!
– Michael Bruce
Towards the end it got really rough. I take my hat of to Alice, he's still doing it. This is probably more work than going on the road for 2-3 months. I wish I was 25 again!
– Michael Bruce
What I don't like is getting over and not having enough time to rehearse properly. Just because they know the songs it's not like playing the album.
– Michael Bruce