Quotes by Neil Jordan

If you were having an affair, with, say, your friend's wife, and you had to meet her... cross the street in San Francisco where you knew you wouldn't be observed. And you went to meet her one day, and she walked across the street and got his by a truck. And you say, first of all, 'oh God... I hope she's alive.' Secondly you say, 'I'm never ever going to do this again.
– Neil Jordan
There's no point in making a film out of a great book. The book's already great. What's the point?
– Neil Jordan
The Company of Wolves is about how society teaches young women to look at themselves, and what to be afraid of. It's about a girl learning that the world of sensuality and the unknown is not to be feared, that it's worth getting your teeth into.
– Neil Jordan
In Dreams... well, I was slightly overcompensating with that. I was a bit like a director for hire, so maybe I was putting too much imagery that was familiar to me into it.
– Neil Jordan