Quotes by Scott McClellan

I do expect that the President will say something at the beginning of his remarks today, at the conversation.
– Scott McClellan
No, our principle hasn't changed. But the fact that they're moving forward on these nominees who have waited for years is positive.
– Scott McClellan
So the focus will be on fixing the hole in the safety net and personal accounts and making it permanently - making Social Security permanently sound.
– Scott McClellan
This is - today's focus is kind of generational.
– Scott McClellan
We're confident that they will be confirmed on the floor of the Senate and we look forward to the Senate acting on those nominees soon.
– Scott McClellan
I was raised on the values of speaking up and making a positive difference in a very political family that believed in the importance of public service.
– Scott McClellan
I remember my mom saying to me that what your friends do is one thing, but what you do could be on the front page of the paper.
– Scott McClellan