Quotes by Suzanne Fields

A good filmmaker with a wonderful cast can weave an illusionary spell that goes well beyond analysis.
– Suzanne Fields
A growing number of young women who have the freedom to decide have decided that career can wait, and the delicious early years of their children's lives can't.
– Suzanne Fields
America-bashing is addictive, born of power envy and nurtured by power lust among the weak, the cowardly and craven.
– Suzanne Fields
American high school students trail teenagers from 14 European and Asian countries in reading, math and science. We're even trailing France.
– Suzanne Fields
Americans always respond when a president calls them, as John F. Kennedy did in his inaugural address, to defend freedom.
– Suzanne Fields
Astride the intersection of politics and culture stands Jane Fonda like a female colossus. Or at least a nicely aging Barbarella.
– Suzanne Fields
At the moment, the biggest candy-and-popcorn issue for Washington is piracy, ..Film pirates, knocking off illegal copies of new movies, cost the industry over $3 billion a year.
– Suzanne Fields
Churchill knew the importance of peace, and he also knew the price of it. Churchill finally got his voice, of course. He stressed strategy, but it was his voice that armed England at last with the old-fashioned moral concepts of honor and duty, justice and mercy.
– Suzanne Fields
Cold feet are often symptomatic of a legitimate intuition that you may be heading for the wrong place at the wrong time.
– Suzanne Fields
Condoleezza Rice insists that all she wants be is the best secretary of state she can be, and can't imagine running for president. Perhaps. But a lot of other people have no trouble imagining it. Four years is an eternity in politics, and the secretary of state has a lot of heavy lifting ahead.
– Suzanne Fields
Dostoevski does not tell you what to think about his legend, but he requires that you think about it. The novelist was a deeply religious man and he always thought many readers missed that point about him.
– Suzanne Fields
Everybody's looking for the niche to make the difference. Some people think they see the mother lode in the beautiful people, especially the vote of the beautiful women.
– Suzanne Fields
Fame may last for only 15 minutes, in Andy Warhol's famous calculation, but it arrives quickly and requires instant attention, lest it vanish before it can be fully exploited.
– Suzanne Fields
Fast sex, like fast food, is cheap, but it doesn't nourish the body - or the soul.
– Suzanne Fields
Forty percent of the registered voters in Afghanistan are women, and they're beginning to move into the private sector.
– Suzanne Fields
Fully 57 percent of American college students are women. Life insurance companies sell more policies to women than to men. As women continue to draw on experience and education, they're accelerating their numbers in upper management, too.
– Suzanne Fields
German businessmen are overwhelmed by the high cost of doing business. Inflexible rules, enforced by a burgeoning bureaucracy, discourage entrepreneurship.
– Suzanne Fields
Getting out the Beautiful Women vote is supposed to be a nonpartisan exercise, but there's a decidedly blue-state cast to the endeavor.
– Suzanne Fields
Great teachers transcend ideology.
– Suzanne Fields
HBO has 28 million subscribers, small stuff compared to TBS, which can be seen in 88 million homes.
– Suzanne Fields
Hitler's appeal to greed and sloth, to increase German prosperity without requiring Germans to work for it, led into the Holocaust because confiscating Jewish property seemed to make sense to the greedy.
– Suzanne Fields
Hollywood and the recording industry argue that current law permits the copying of songs and movies, and sharing them on the Internet. This enables young people to grow up learning how to steal.
– Suzanne Fields
Hollywood chooses to be in touch with an America of its own choosing. The studios earn most of their big bucks in ways that have little to do with theater box office or the telling of a good story... That's why so many movies appeal to a comic book or fairy-tale mentality, relying on cartoon characters and digitalized drama. Harry Potter, Spider Man and the Lord of the Rings are Hollywood's real million-dollar babies.
– Suzanne Fields
How extraordinary that so many men and women who are not Catholic felt themselves bound together in mourning with collective memory a religious man who transcended parochial appeal. Not many men journey across the human stage as such a figure of unity. Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Greek and Roman Orthodox exulted in the expansion of a generous spiritual shelter even when they disagreed with certain of his doctrines.
– Suzanne Fields
I visit Berlin occasionally to visit family, and the economic problems are quickly evident even to the casual visitor.
– Suzanne Fields
If any of the beautiful people plan to vote for the president, they usually keep their secret to themselves.
– Suzanne Fields
Insult is powerful. Insult begets both rage and humor and often at the same time.
– Suzanne Fields
It's a cliche of punditry that Republicans are the Daddy Party and the Democrats are the Mommy Party. The metaphors are out of date. We must look at the Republicans as the Adult Party and the Democrats as naughty children sent to sup at the children's table.
– Suzanne Fields
It's easier to make fun of a first lady than for a first lady to have fun. The scrutiny is ferocious.
– Suzanne Fields
It's long been a cliche in Washington that if you hang a lamb chop in your window, guests will come.
– Suzanne Fields
It's not very hip to consider the plight of single women who yearn for something so old-fashioned as men,.
– Suzanne Fields
It's one of the terrible ironies of modern times - and a sobering caution - that extermination of physically healthy, able-bodied men, women and children was done by the state not in the backward provinces of a backwater satrapy, but in Germany, one of the most civilized and technologically advanced socieities in the world.
– Suzanne Fields
It's the liberals, not the conservatives, who reveal sloppy and cliched thinking now. They hang out with like-minded politically correct dogmatists, rarely bumping against anyone who doesn't look and sound just like themselves.
– Suzanne Fields
John Paul Sartre became a hero in literature, philosophy, sociology and political science even though his popularity largely depended on his politics, and he was wrong on the most important issues of his time, championing Marxism in spite of the tyranny it spawned.
– Suzanne Fields
Johnny Cash was plenty good enough to fool his fans. They believed he felt it in his soul when he sang the Gospel while stoned on drugs.
– Suzanne Fields
Lebanon is restless, Syria got its walking papers, Egypt is scheduling elections with more than one candidate, and even Saudi Arabia, whose rulers are perhaps more terrified of women than rulers anywhere else in the world, allowed limited municipal elections.
– Suzanne Fields
Madrid is a wonderful city despite the politics that consist almost entirely of bravado and passion. Madrilenos lack the surly arrogance of the Parisians and the moral righteousness of Berliners. Spanish cowardice in withdrawing troops from Iraq is more complicated than that of either France or Germany, which never sent troops to deal with Saddam Hussein.
– Suzanne Fields
Mahmud Abbas is not Thomas Jefferson. The spirit of Patrick Henry has not emerged in Lebanon. Although more than a 140 Syrian intellectuals have protested Syrian troops there and signed a public statement opposing the occupation, these intellectuals are not in the league of our own Founding Fathers.
– Suzanne Fields
Many critics of the Palestinians, especially those in Congress, think the current calm is merely the eye of the storm. That's why the House of Representatives approved a foreign aid package last week that forbade the direct financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority .
– Suzanne Fields
Many of the Europeans who want Israel to go away don't even know why they do. Nearly a third of those interviewed concede they have no idea what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is all about. It's enough to know that Israelis are Jews.
– Suzanne Fields
McDonald's is sophisticated enough to anticipate increasing numbers of educated consumers. It not only cut out its supersize portions, the chain has recently added the Adult Happy Meal to its menu.
– Suzanne Fields
Most of the debate over the cultures of death and life is about process. The debate focuses on the technology available to determine how we prolong life and how and when we end it.
– Suzanne Fields
Must an aerobics instructor be thin? A tailor make the best-dressed lists? A cosmetic saleswoman be pretty?
– Suzanne Fields
Osama bin Laden is still at liberty with the worms and spiders in his dank, dark cave, but the Afghanis are telling us that it was the Americans who gave them hope for the rising generation.
– Suzanne Fields
Rape is the most bankable event in our culture, more valuable than murder and a lot more valuable than mere mayhem. Jessica Lynch has no memory of being raped; Iraqi doctors at the hospital insist they found no evidence at all that she ever was. But it's in her book.
– Suzanne Fields
Rushing willy-nilly into the future without giving deep thought to the influences of biotechnology in the way we treat each other, and the impact it makes on social behavior, would be foolish indeed.
– Suzanne Fields
Sometimes the ignorant are among the most educated.
– Suzanne Fields
Stupidity fuses notoriety and celebrity.
– Suzanne Fields
Style has rarely been either a characteristic or a qualification for secretaries of state. Henry Kissinger had his square, dark-rimmed glasses, and Madeleine Albright her funky hats, but these were carefully contrived affectations.
– Suzanne Fields
That's what Major League Baseball's steroid scandal was all about, the hidden harm in competitive sports that sends the wrong message to the young.
– Suzanne Fields
The Academy Awards ceremony is designed to be without irony, but Chris Rock supplied it anyway with filmed movie-theater interviews with black men and women who had never heard of the movies nominated for Best Picture.
– Suzanne Fields
The death of Pope John Paul II led many of different faiths and of no faith to acknowledge their debt to the Roman Catholic Church for holding on to absolutes that the rest of us can measure ourselves against.
– Suzanne Fields
The lopsided attitudes of college professors pose a serious challenge to learning because students are so susceptible to becoming lopsided sheep.
– Suzanne Fields
The old studios that mass-produced dreams are gone with the wind, just like the old downtown theaters that were the temples of the dreams.
– Suzanne Fields
The only difference between McDonalds customers and the dinner crowd is that the latter dine on tablecloths. The powerful are as likely to be as portly as the plebes.
– Suzanne Fields
The professors won't exactly call it that, but how else can we account for the latest survey that found that 72 percent of faculty members at American universities describe themselves as liberal. The proportion goes up to 87 percent on elite campuses, so called, where only 13 percent of the profs are conservative.
– Suzanne Fields
The rains in Washington on the day that Pope John Paul II died were unusually ferocious, as if the heavens were weeping with uncontrollable sadness.
– Suzanne Fields
The students of the '60s inevitably became the tenured professors that are so heavily with us today, trying to spawn a succession of look-alikes and feel-alikes.
– Suzanne Fields
The world witnessed the pope's suffering at the same time Terri Schiavo's food-and-water feeding tubes were removed, making us all acutely aware of the moral and spiritual debates we must confront to plumb the mystery of life and death. Such moral debates must continue, if we want to resist the slippery slope that would take us where none wants to go.
– Suzanne Fields
There are enough Poles in Chicago to make up one of the largest cities in Poland.
– Suzanne Fields
There is a bright spot or two for the Spaniards. French toast has become freedom toast on the Air Force One breakfast menu, but the Spanish omelet is still a Spanish omelet.
– Suzanne Fields
There's more than a few remnants left in German welfare policy today. Many Germans eagerly condemn Hitler's fascism but won't examine the other reasons why the Third Reich succeeded for a season.
– Suzanne Fields
Trashy private lives of the stars is a given today, and scandal causes hardly a ripple of disapproval. Digitalized characters can be created with neither moral nor mortal concern, and best of all can be packaged, licensed and promoted at far less cost than dealing with flesh and blood. The stars are products, too, shills for marketing tie-ins.
– Suzanne Fields
Unless they break through the brass ceiling of academia by writing best-selling books, like Harold Bloom or Alan Dershowitz, or go to Washington to make policy like Henry Kissinger, college professors can only aspire to limited public recognition.
– Suzanne Fields
We all want to look younger, become stronger and healthier and live longer.
– Suzanne Fields
We expect hassles when we travel. It's our patriotic duty to grin if possible but bear it nonetheless as a contribution to the war against terrorism. We take off shoes without complaint and are no longer embarrassed when it's a hook on a bra that sets off the alarm.
– Suzanne Fields
We have become accustomed to a coed military, but the settled policy is that women should stay out of combat both for their own good and for the good of the men. But the Army has come up with a wacky scheme of putting women in support units close to combat, to take them off the battlefield when the shooting starts and put them back when the shooting stops.
– Suzanne Fields
We no longer live in an age when poetry is handmaiden to political rhetoric. Our politicians, like most everybody else, are sparing in poetic utterance, which is too bad because at its best poetry clarifies thought. Fine poetic images crystallize ideas and encourage an appreciation of the structure of language informed with meaning. Both language and meaning are often missing in the windbaggery of Capitol Hill.
– Suzanne Fields
We've become more tolerant because we're tired of the debate.
– Suzanne Fields
When Bill Bennett, the Rev. Richard John Neuhaus and theologian Michael Novak go to the synagogue, it's not to read the Torah. They're going there to make a speech.
– Suzanne Fields
Women can break down barriers to opportunity, and men, many of them reluctantly, have learned to relate to women as their equals in thought and action. But except for an eccentric few, women do not want to become warriors.
– Suzanne Fields
You can't walk through a neighborhood in most Muslim communities without being exposed to a street, school or stadium honoring a terrorist. Gaza alone has more than 300 streets named for shahids.
– Suzanne Fields
You still can't find Israel on a map of the Middle East in a Palestinian schoolbook.
– Suzanne Fields