Religion Quotes

There is a great interest in comparative religion and a desire to understand faiths other than our own and even to experiment with exotic cults.
– Emily Greene Balch
There can be no truce between science and religion.
– John B. S. Haldane
There are some forms of religion that are bad, just as there's bad cooking or bad art or bad sex, you have bad religion too.
– Karen Armstrong
There are several reasons why Russians view the oppressive state positively. First, in the Russian Orthodox religion, there is an understanding of authority as something sent by God.
– Ryszard Kapuscinski
There are fundamentalist psychopaths in every religion in the world. Every single one.
– Sophia Bush
There are a lot of Grinches out there that would like nothing better than to take any references to religion out of the holiday season.
– Ernest Istook
Then if your movie clicks with real audiences, you'll be sucked into some sort of Hollywood orbit. It's a devil of a place where the only religion that really counts is box office.
– Yahoo Serious
The women's movement will present a growing threat to patriarchal religion less by attacking it than by simply leaving it behind.
– Carol P. Christ
The United States is not a nation based upon race, creed, or religion - we are a nation based upon our loyalty and allegiance to our country and her principles.
– Jim Ryun
The trouble with many men is that they have got just enough religion to make them miserable. If there is not joy in religion, you have got a leak in your religion.
– Billy Sunday
The stability and peace which seemed to be so firmly established by the brilliant monarchy of Francis I vanished with the terrible outbreak of the Wars of Religion.
– Lytton Strachey
The spiritual element, the really important part of religion, has no concern with Time and Space, temporary mundane laws, or conduct.
– Richard Le Gallienne
The songs keep on writing themselves, and I really love them. It's as close as I get to a religion.
– Kristin Hersh
The Son of God became man so that we might become God.
– Athanasius
The Sabbath is a weekly cathedral raised up in my dining room, in my family, in my heart.
– Anita Diament
The restriction of religion to private life therefore does not necessarily threaten the vital interests of the majority religion, if there is one, and it protects minority religions from tyranny of the majority.
– Phillip E. Johnson
The religion of the Indian is the last thing about him that the man of another race will ever understand.
– Charles Eastman
The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men - from mothers most of all, who carry the key of our souls in their bosoms.
– Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
The question of religion was a matter for each individual's conscience, and in a great many cases was the outcome of birth or residence in a certain geographical area.
– James Larkin
The point here is that physics followed the data where it seemed to lead, even though some thought the model gave aid and comfort to religion.
– Michael Behe
The only difference is that religion is much better organised and has been around much longer, but it's the same story with different characters and different costumes.
– James Randi
The Muslims have, as everyone else says, the right to practice their religion and they have the right to construct a mosque at ground zero if they wish. What I am saying, though, is that they should listen to public opinion, they should listen to the deep wounds and anguish that this is causing to so many good people.
– Peter King
The most important part of my religion is to play guitar.
– Lou Reed
The more you get into any religion, it becomes the same. It really becomes how you treat other people and how you get outside yourself. How you look to help other people, and how you get out of this 'I, me, mine' type of thing.
– Abel Ferrara
The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.
– Aldous Huxley
The memory of my own suffering has prevented me from ever shadowing one young soul with the superstition of the Christian religion.
– Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The marvel of the Bhagavad-Gita is its truly beautiful revelation of life's wisdom which enables philosophy to blossom into religion.
– Herman Hesse
The major obstacle to a religious renewal is the intellectual classes, who are highly influential and tend to view religion as primitive superstition. They believe that science has left atheism as the only respectable intellectual stance.
– Robert Bork
The little religion that I have clung to-that what matters most is the continuity of life, and its improvement from one generation to another.
– David O. Selznick
The Left is doing to America what it has done to almost everything it has deeply influenced - the arts, the university, religion, culture, minorities, Europe: ruining it.
– Dennis Prager
The Law of God in the Christian religion is the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ.
– Randall Terry
The latest horror to hit the U.S. looks to have been caused by people of Middle Eastern origin, bearing Muslim names. Again, shame. This fuels more hatred for a religion and a people who have nothing to do with these events.
– Cat Stevens
The irony of the Supreme Court hearing on these cases last week and of the outright hostility that the Court has displayed against religion in recent years is that above the head of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is a concrete display of the Ten Commandments.
– Cliff Stearns
The increase of territory and power of empires by force of arms has been the policy of all great powers, and it has always been possible to get the approval of their state religion.
– John Boyd Orr
The importance that our society attaches to sport is incredible. After all, is football a game or a religion? The people of this country have allowed sports to get completely out of hand.
– Howard Cosell
The humanists' replacement for religion: work really hard and somehow you'll either save yourself or you'll be immortal. Of course, that's a total joke, and our progress is nothing. There may be progress in technology but there's no ethical progress whatsoever.
– David Bowie
The habit of religion is oppressive, an easy way out of thought.
– Peter Ustinov
The Grateful Dead are our religion. This is a religion that doesn't pay homage to the God that all the other religions pay homage to.
– Ken Kesey
The government must pursue a course of complete neutrality toward religion.
– John Paul Stevens
The Godhead consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is a material being.
– Orson Pratt
The first guy who came up with the concept of religion was sitting out under a tree. I'm sure of that.
– Tom T. Hall
The first act of religion, therefore, concerns those things which are communicated to us from God. The other concerns those things which we yield to God.
– William Ames
The fact that religion plays such a part in how people vote troubles me, troubles me as a minister's daughter. Because I always felt that the separation of church and state was what our forefathers and foremothers really fought for.
– Tori Amos
The engine of ancient society was religion but the engine of contemporary society, as I see it, is advertising.
– Kit Williams
The earth is the Lord's fullness thereof: this is no longer a hollow dictum of religion, but a directive for economic action toward human brotherhood.
– Lewis Mumford
The dissolution of the nation destroys the national religion, and dethrones the national deity.
– William Robertson Smith
The difference between religion and morality lies simply in the classical division of things into the divine and the human, if one only interprets this correctly.
– Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
The courts are using the First Amendment to attack religion, when they should be using it to protect religion.
– Ernest Istook
The Coptic Church respects the law but it does not accept rulings that go against the Bible and our freedom of religion.
– Pope Shenouda III
The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
– Lamar S. Smith
The Christian religion not only was at first attended with miracles, but even at this day cannot be believed by any reasonable person without one.
– David Hume
The Christian use of religion as a personal love affair both shocked me, and attracted me.
– Lionel Blue
The biological evolutionary perception of life and of human qualities is radically different from that of traditional religion, whether it's Southern Baptist or Islam or any religion that believes in a supernatural supervalance over humanity.
– E. O. Wilson
The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go.
– Galileo Galilei
The basic assumption of the secular society is that modernity overcomes religion.
– Ulrich Beck
The audience that I try to reach are members of what I call the church alumni association. Now they are people who have not found in institutional religion a God big enough to be God for their world.
– John Shelby Spong
The arts and a belief in the values of the civil rights movement, in the overwhelming virtue of diversity, these were our religion. My parents worshipped those ideals.
– Jonathan Lethem
The American way was for commerce, personal relationships, and religion to be voluntary. No one was forced to participate in something he didn't want.
– Harry Browne
The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.
– Alexis de Tocqueville
The American Indian was an individualist in religion as in war. He had neither a national army nor an organized church.
– Charles Eastman
The advent of a new religion, making serious and impressive claims to embody a new revelation from on high, is not a frequent occurrence.
– Robert Rainy
That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others.
– Sri Aurobindo
That means that every human being - without distinction of sex, age, race, skin color, language, religion, political view, or national or social origin - possesses an inalienable and untouchable dignity.
– Hans Kung
Teach us to give and not to count the cost.
– Saint Ignatius
Teach a child what is wise, that is morality. Teach him what is wise and beautiful, that is religion!
– Thomas Huxley
Take away the Book of Mormon and the revelations, and where is our religion? We have none.
– Joseph Smith, Jr.
Supreme serenity still remains the Ideal of great Art. The shapes and transitory forms of life are but stages toward this Ideal, which Christ's religion illuminates with His divine light.
– Franz Liszt
Superstition is to religion what astrology is to astronomy the mad daughter of a wise mother. These daughters have too long dominated the earth.
– Voltaire
Superstition is the religion of feeble minds.
– Edmund Burke
Superstition is the only religion of which base souls are capable of.
– Joseph Joubert
Such are the heights of wickedness to which men are driven by religion.
– Titus Lucretius Carus
Someone once told me that religion is like a knife: You can stab someone with it, or you can slice bread with it.
– Vera Farmiga
Some of you say religion makes people happy. So does laughing gas.
– Clarence Darrow
Socialism is the religion people get when they lose their religion.
– Richard John Neuhaus
So, basically, my view is I don't want to support the exploitation of animals, and within reason, I will do what I can to avoid it, but it's not like it's a religion for me. It's not like I consider I'm polluted if somehow some bit of milk or cheese or something passes my lips.
– Peter Singer
So obviously, any religion embodies some form of rules and expectations for behavior, and even sometimes consequences, and they don't want to hear any of that.
– Pat Boone
So much of religion is exegesis. I would rather follow in the footprints of Christ than all of the dogma.
– Christy Turlington
So much about religion has to do with rigid, sacrosanct preciousness. I don't live my life that way, and I don't feel that's what Baha'u'llah teaches.
– Rainn Wilson
So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you search, and you will find knock, and the door will be opened for you.
– Jesus Christ
So I remember both medicine, because I frequently sick, particularly with asthma for which there was no proper treatment then, and in religion I had a strong sense of there being a patriarchy.
– Thomas Keneally
Since the 18th century, many Western intellectuals have predicted religion's imminent demise.
– Jonathan Sacks
Shelley is truth itself and honour itself notwithstanding his out-of-the-way notions about religion.
– George Byron
Sex is the ersatz or substitute religion of the 20th Century.
– Malcolm Muggeridge
Sex is the mysticism of materialism and the only possible religion in a materialistic society.
– Malcolm Muggeridge
Set religion free, and a new humanity will begin.
– Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Scientology is not a white religion. It is not just for white people.
– Doug E. Fresh
Scientific prayer makes God a celestial lab rat, leading to bad science and worse religion.
– Michael Shermer
Science, like art, religion, commerce, warfare, and even sleep, is based on presuppositions.
– Gregory Bateson
Science and religion are the two most powerful forces in the world. Having them at odds... is not productive.
– E. O. Wilson
Religious wars are not caused by the fact that there is more than one religion, but by the spirit of intolerance... the spread of which can only be regarded as the total eclipse of human reason.
– Charles De Secondat
Religious suffering is at once the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of the heartless world, as it is the soul of soulless condition. It is the opium of the people.
– John Desmond Bernal
Religious people often prefer to be right rather than compassionate. Often, they don't want to give up their egotism. They want their religion to endorse their ego, their identity.
– Karen Armstrong
Religion, oh, just another of those numerous failures resulting from an attempt to popularize art.
– Ezra Pound
Religion, you can't a handle on it, you just have to know or not know-people either believe or they don't believe.
– Dennis Potter
Religion which requires persecution to sustain, it is of the devil's propagation.
– Hosea Ballou
Religion without morality is a superstition and a curse, and morality without religion is impossible.
– Mark Hopkins
Religion works on some people but not on everyone, because it says, 'Stop thinking and accept what I tell you.' That's not valid for people who want to think and reflect.
– Abbas Kiarostami
Religion, for better or for worse, has been politicized in blatant ways that have seldom been equaled in American elections.
– Tony Campolo
Religion, like water, may be free, but when they pipe it to you, you've got to help pay for piping. And the Piper!
– Abigail Van Buren
Religion which lays so many restraints upon us, is a troublesome companion to those who will lay no restraints upon themselves.
– Laurence Sterne