Equality Quotes

Equal pay isn't just a women's issue when women get equal pay, their family incomes rise and the whole family benefits.
– Mike Honda
Elections are also about the future - the pledges that we are making for this country. For those who care about equality and fairness in the UK, and beyond, Labour really is the only choice.
– Anne Campbell
Effective use of Braille is as important to the blind as independent mobility, knowledge in the use of adaptive technology, and the core belief that equality, opportunity and security are truly possible for all people who are blind.
– Bob Ney
Educational equality doesn't guarantee equality on the labor market. Even the most developed countries are not gender-equal. There are still glass ceilings and 'leaky pipelines' that prevent women from getting ahead in the workplace.
– Michelle Bachelet
Earlier feminists were almost universally pro-choice and have dominated political debate until now. Having access to abortion was viewed as the only way women could have full equality with men, who, until recently, couldn't get pregnant.
– Kathleen Parker
Each country has a soul, and France's soul is equality.
– Francois Hollande
Do not call for black power or green power. Call for brain power.
– Barbara Jordan
Distinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry are by their very nature odious to a free people whose institutions are founded upon the doctrine of equality.
– Harlan Stone
Democratic principles are the result of equality of condition.
– Mercy Otis Warren
Democracy not only requires equality but also an unshakable conviction in the value of each person, who is then equal.
– Jeane Kirkpatrick
Demands for equality for women are threats to men's self-esteem and sense of sexual turf.
– Alice S. Rossi
Civilization is built on a number of ultimate principles... respect for human life, the punishment of crimes against property and persons, the equality of all good citizens before the law... or, in a word justice.
– Max Nordau
Candor is a compliment it implies equality. It's how true friends talk.
– Peggy Noonan
At a time when efforts are being made to eradicate discrimination between the sexes in the search for social equality and justice, the differences between the sexes are being rediscovered.
– Carol Gilligan
As soon as man enters into a state of society he loses the sense of his weakness equality ceases, and then commences the state of war.
– Charles De Secondat
As many political writers have pointed out, commitment to political equality is not an empirical claim that people are clones.
– Steven Pinker
As long as there is rape... there is not going to be any peace or justice or equality or freedom. You are not going to become what you want to become or who you want to become. You are not going to live in the world you want to live in.
– Andrea Dworkin
As equality increases, so does the number of people struggling for predominance.
– Mason Cooley
As an actor, you just want to work, and then you just want to be on a show or have a job that you love, and you hope that job will last - those things have happened. To have that platform to then talk about something that is very personal to me like marriage equality, it feels like a gift. I try and really respect that voice and not abuse it.
– Jesse Tyler Ferguson
As a partner in a firm full of women who work outside of the home as well as stay at home mothers, all with plenty of children, gender equality is not a talking point for me. It is an issue I live every day.
– Hilary Rosen
Any serious shift towards more sustainable societies has to include gender equality.
– Helen Clark
And think of how we challenged the idea of a male dominated Parliament with All-Women shortlists and made the cause of gender equality central to our government. We were right to do so.
– Ed Miliband
America, 5 years after this brutal attack, is testament that a Nation conceived in liberty and equality will endure. It is a triumph of millions of Americans but it is also the triumph of an idea larger than any one person, larger than any one nation.
– Nick Rahall
All men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality.
– David Allan Coe
All men are born equally free.
– Salmon P. Chase
All imaginable futures are not equally possible.
– Kevin Kelly
Abortion is defended today as a means of ensuring the equality and independence of women, and as a solution to the problems of single parenting, child abuse, and the feminization of poverty.
– Robert Casey
A woman who thinks she is intelligent demands the same rights as man. An intelligent woman gives up.
– Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
A resilient people cherishing liberty and equality and the rule of law will endure.
– Nick Rahall
A fundamentalist can't bring himself or herself to negotiate with people who disagree with them because the negotiating process itself is an indication of implied equality.
– Jimmy Carter
A formally recognized equality does, however, accord the smaller nations a position which they should be able to use increasingly in the interest of humanity as a whole and in the service of the ideal.
– Hjalmar Branting
A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers.
– Friedrich August von Hayek
'Vote Love' means vote equality. It means vote change. It means vote what's right for humanity.
– Macklemore
More countries have understood that women's equality is a prerequisite for development.
– Kofi Annan
For African American ideals, The Promised Land is not a land to be reclaimed after hundreds, or even thousands, of years, citing God as the real estate agent. The Promised Land doesn't echo the injustices of the past by, in part, replicating them upon others. The Promised Land is the creation of a just society with an appreciation for the diversity of all humanity and equality for all.
– Joseph Anderson
Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.
– Honore de Balzac
We are all different. Yet we are all God's children. We are all united behind this country and the common cause of freedom, justice, fairness, and equality. That is what unites us.
– Barbara Boxer
There will always be a place for us somewhere, somehow, as long as we see to it that working people fight for everything they have, everything they hope to get, for dignity, equality, democracy, to oppose war and to bring to the world a better life.
– Harry Bridges
One distressing thing is the way men react to women who assert their equality: their ultimate weapon is to call them unfeminine. They think she is anti-male; they even whisper that she's probably a lesbian.
– Shirley Chisholm
Equality, in a social sense, may be divided into that of condition and that of rights. Equality of condition is incompatible with civilization, and is found only to exist in those communities that are but slightly removed from the savage state. In practice, it can only mean a common misery.
– James Fenimore Cooper
All sports must be treated on the basis of equality.
– Pierre de Coubertin
I had explained that a woman's asking for equality in the church would be comparable to a black person's demanding equality in the Ku Klux Klan.
– Mary Daly
To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color is like living in Alaska and being against snow.
– William Faulkner
Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.
– Kahlil Gibran
The Church just has not been able to cope with the demands for fairness and equality from women, so they're very angry.
– Andrew Greeley
Bush promoted a conservative program, designed to eliminate everything Americans had accomplished so far in matters of race and equality.
– Danny Glover
As a first step there must be an offer to achieve equality of rights in disarmament by abolishing the weapons forbidden to the Central Powers by the Peace Treaties.
– Arthur Henderson
The equality of play was a surprise-it was the most competitive race in the seven-year history of MLS.
– Lamar Hunt
A substantial extension of public ownership is an essential pre-requisite of greater equality of earned income.
– Roy Jenkins
There is always inequity in life. Some men are killed in war and some men are wounded, and some men are stationed in the Antarctic and some are stationed in San Francisco. It's very hard in military or personal life to assure complete equality. Life is unfair.
– John F. Kennedy
In ten phrases, the ten commandments express the essential of life. And these three words-liberty, equality, and fraternity-do just as much. Millions of people have died for those ideals.
– Krzysztof Kieslowski
Owning your own home is America's unique recipe for avoiding revolution and promoting pseudo-equality at the same time.
– Florence King
The sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
The deadly Hydra now is the hydra of Equality. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity is the three-fanged serpent.
– David Herbert Lawrence
There is no equality before the law possible but between men economically free. Men are today economically the subject of the capitalist. Equality before the law is, under such circumstances, a hollow mockery.
– Daniel De Leon
Prosperity or egalitarianism - you have to choose. I favor freedom - you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion.
– Mario Vargas Llosa
It is a strange fact that freedom and equality, the two basic ideas of democracy, are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered, freedom and equality are mutually exclusive, just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.
– Thomas Mann
American society will never completely understand the true meaning of equality.
– Bryant H. McGill
I do not know who first invented the myth of sexual equality. But it is a myth willfully fostered and nourished by certain semi-scientists and other fiction writers. And it has done more, I suspect, to unsettle marital happiness than any other false doctrine of this myth-ridden age.
– Phyllis McGinley
Our courts are charged with safeguarding the very principles America stands for: justice, equality, individual liberty. That courthouse door must always be open, and when someone walks through that door they have to find an independent judiciary. I want to be sure when somebody walks through that courthouse door they not only get a fair trial and a fair hearing, but they know that person providing it is the best of the best.
– Barbara Mikulski
There is an important difference between love and friendship. While the former delights in extremes and opposites, the latter demands equality.
– Francoise d'Aubigne de Maintenon
Nature is unfair? So much the better, inequality is the only bearable thing, the monotony of equality can only lead us to boredom.
– Francis Picabia
These, then, will be some of the features of democracy... it will be, in all likelihood, an agreeable, lawless, parti-colored commonwealth, dealing with all alike on a footing of equality, whether they be really equal or not.
– Plato
What is the end of our revolution? The tranquil enjoyment of liberty and equality; the reign of that eternal justice, the laws of which are graven, not on marble or stone, but in the hearts of men, even in the heart of the slave who has forgotten them, and in that of the tyrant who disowns them.
– Maximilien Robespierre
Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.
– Alexis de Tocqueville
Humanism was not wrong in thinking that truth, beauty, liberty, and equality are of infinite value, but in thinking that man can get them for himself without grace.
– Simone Weil
There can be no equality or opportunity if men and women and children be not shielded in their lives from the consequences of great industrial and social processes which they cannot alter, control, or singly cope with.
– Woodrow Wilson
NARCISSUS:A republican is a man who strives to create equality among all classes. At the core he's a man who believes in doing what's right.
GAIUS: The trouble is defining exactly what 'right' is.
NARCISSUS:We all know what right is, Senator.
COMMODUS:I would say there's nothing more dangerous than a man who knows what 'right' is.
NARCISSUS:The dangerous man, Caesar, is the man who doesn't care.
– David Franzoni
Liberty, equality - bad principles! The only true principle for humanity is justice; and justice to the feeble is protection and kindness.
– Henri Frederic Amiel
Equality...is the result of human organization. We are not born equal.
– Hannah Arendt
If liberty and equality, as is thought by some are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost.
– Aristotle
A society that puts equality... ahead of freedom will end up with neither.
– Milton Friedman
In the state of nature...all men are born equal, but they cannot continue in this equality. Society makes them lose it, and they recover it only by the protection of the law.
– Charles de Montesquieu
The love of democracy is that of equality.
– Charles de Montesquieu
Long ago we stated the reason for labour organizations. We said that union was essential to give labourers opportunity to deal on an equality with their employers.
– US Supreme Court
It is not true that equality is a law of nature. Nature has no equality. Its soverign law is subordination and dependence.
– Marquis de Vauvenargues
Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.
– Malcolm X
What is being called the UN 'gender architecture' is more like a shack. Women need a bigger global house if equality is ever to become a reality.
– Charlotte Bunch
Until we get equality in education, we won't have an equal society.
– Sonia Sotomayor
There's a beauty in being part of a band, when there's equality and trust.
– Scott Weiland
The true and solid peace of nations consists not in equality of arms, but in mutual trust alone.
– Pope John XXIII
The sole equality on earth is death.
– Philip James Bailey
The only way to get gay issues off the front pages of Canadian newspapers is to grant gay and lesbian people our full civil equality and leave it alone.
– Dan Savage
The main business of religions is to purify, control, and restrain that excessive and exclusive taste for well-being which men acquire in times of equality.
– Alexis de Tocqueville
The focus of tolerance education is to deal with the concept of equality and fairness. We need to establish confidence with children that there is more goodness than horror in this world.
– Morris Dees
One of the factors a country's economy depends on is human capital. If you don't provide women with adequate access to healthcare, education and employment, you lose at least half of your potential. So, gender equality and women's empowerment bring huge economic benefits.
– Michelle Bachelet
It is clear that not in one thing alone, but in many ways equality and freedom of speech are a good thing.
– Herodotus
In Nicaragua, liberty, equality and the rule of law were the stuff of dreams. But in Paris I discovered the value of those words.
– Bianca Jagger
In choosing global corporate partners UNICEF emphasises compatibility with our core values and looks to build alliances that advance our mission of ensuring the health, education, equality and protection for all the world's children.
– Carol Bellamy
I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.
– Barack Obama
I don't believe that if I came out as bisexual the world will change. But it's really important for people to be truthful about who they are and fight for equality. We need to help the world usher itself into the next phase.
– Olivia Thirlby
Half a century ago, the amazing courage of Rosa Parks, the visionary leadership of Martin Luther King, and the inspirational actions of the civil rights movement led politicians to write equality into the law and make real the promise of America for all her citizens.
– David Cameron
Dreams from 1991 are becoming reality. We will build good relations between nations and people. We will strive towards mutual respect and equality of every individual, sex, race and national or any other minority.
– Janez Drnovsek
Disease generally begins that equality which death completes.
– Samuel Johnson
Among the best traitors Ireland has ever had, Mother Church ranks at the very top, a massive obstacle in the path to equality and freedom. She has been a force for conservatism... to ward off threats to her own security and influence.
– Bernadette Devlin