Faith Quotes

The faith I was born into formed me.
– Huston Smith
The faith religious believers have in God is small compared to the faith people put in politicians, knowing how many times they have been disappointed in the past but still insisting that this time it will be different.
– Jonathan Sacks
The facts of science are real enough, and so are the techniques that scientists use, and so are the technologies based on them. But the belief system that governs conventional scientific thinking is an act of faith.
– Rupert Sheldrake
The enemies of the Christian religion and the Law of God confuse law with faith.
– Randall Terry
The difficulties we face originate from one of three sources. Some are sent to us by the Lord to test our faith, others are the result of Satan's attacks, and still others are due to our own sinful choices.
– Charles Stanley
The democratic idealist is prone to make light of the whole question of standards and leadership because of his unbounded faith in the plain people.
– Irving Babbitt
The conversion of agnostic High Tories to the Anglican church is always rather suspect. It seems too pat and predictable, too clearly a matter of politics rather than faith.
– Terry Eagleton
The Constitution was the expression not only of a political faith, but also of political fears. It was wrought both as the organ of the national interest and as the bulwark of certain individual and local rights.
– Herbert Croly
The civil rights movement was based on faith. Many of us who were participants in this movement saw our involvement as an extension of our faith. We saw ourselves doing the work of the Almighty. Segregation and racial discrimination were not in keeping with our faith, so we had to do something.
– John Lewis
The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I'm thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family's future.
– Jackie Kennedy
The Bible is our rule of faith and doctrine.
– Ellen G. White
The best way is to say that as a Christian for me the essence of Christian faith is that you treat others as if you wish to be treated.
– Mike Huckabee
The best thing about science is that hard, empirical answers are always there if you look hard enough. The best thing about religion is that the very absence of that certainty is what requires - and gives rise to - deep feelings of faith.
– Jeffrey Kluger
The balance between faith and reason is for the determination of each individual, and of the people as a whole, not of unauthorized government officials uttering impious humbug as they arbitrarily try to define that balance.
– Conrad Black
The age of innocent faith in science and technology may be over.
– Barry Commoner
The Afghans did not have sophisticated weapons like the Soviets did, but with their faith they defeated a superpower.
– Abu Bakar Bashir
That someone like Obama could be elected president of the United States - with its unrivaled power and prestige - has begun to restore the country's and the world's faith in America as the land of opportunity.
– Dee Dee Myers
That is the definition of faith - acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.
– Dan Brown
That bedrock faith that I could write was what blinded me to attempts to discourage me.
– Lynn Abbey
Thank goodness I had a great family growing up, a great foundation. But I will say my faith, my parents, my family, all that stuff is very, very important. And I'll say that until the day I die.
– Donny Osmond
Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.
– Steve Jobs
Talk unbelief, and you will have unbelief but talk faith, and you will have faith. According to the seed sown will be the harvest.
– Ellen G. White
Taking it in its wider and generic application, I understand faith to be the supplement of sense or, to change the phrase, all knowledge which comes not to us through our senses we gain by faith in others.
– Matthew Simpson
Take away hatred from some people, and you have men without faith.
– Eric Hoffer
Such a faith would be fatal to my reason, to my liberty, and even to the success of my undertakings it would immediately transform me into a stupid slave, an instrument of the will and interests of others.
– Mikhail Bakunin
Stand straight, walk proud, have a little faith.
– Garth Brooks
Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.
– Steve Jobs
Some theists in evolutionary science acquiesce to these tacit rules and retain a personal faith while accepting a thoroughly naturalistic picture of physical reality.
– Phillip E. Johnson
So when the only domestic social policy is tax cuts that mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans, we say, 'Where is faith being put into action here?'
– Jim Wallis
So many of my friends are still trying to get record deals, and I've had one for 10 years now, where my only goal is to make the best music I can make. I've been very lucky. I have great faith that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, and whatever happens is going to be absolutely right for me.
– Jane Siberry
Skepticism has never founded empires, established principals, or changed the world's heart. The great doers in history have always been people of faith.
– Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Skepticism, riddling the faith of yesterday, prepared the way for the faith of tomorrow.
– Romain Rolland
Since the presidency of Ronald Reagan, conservatives have succeeded by adhering to a platform that rests firmly on three legs: smaller government, faith and family, and a strong national defense. These three legs do not merely represent a political coalition they are three necessary components of a strong and secure America.
– Frank Gaffney
Since I was an atheist for many years and came to believe in God through my studies in science, it frustrated me to see students and parents who viewed faith and science as enemies.
– John Clayton
Sigmund Freud was the apostle of disbelief. He was the one who made psychoanalysis a part of our culture, and in so doing he kicked out a flying buttress that had been essential for holding up our cathedral of faith.
– Tony Campolo
Should doubt knock at your doorway, just say to those skeptical, disturbing, rebellious thoughts, I propose to stay with my faith, with the faith of my people.
– Thomas S. Monson
Seven and half years ago I began my own journey. For me and my family it was a time of adversity. But during that adversity I derived a deeper faith. And born out of that adversity was a commitment to devote myself to those people and to those issues that truly matter to me.
– Paul Tsongas
Sectarian divide has created a schism in our society that is a major challenge. As monarch of all Bahrainis, it pains me to see many harmed by the actions of a few. And yet I am optimistic and have faith in our people. We all realize that now is the time to strike a balance between stability and gradual reform.
– Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
Science, we are repeatedly told, is the most reliable form of knowledge about the world because it is based on testable hypotheses. Religion, by contrast, is based on faith. The term 'doubting Thomas' well illustrates the difference.
– Paul Davies
Risk means everything from being honest about your faith, to moving, to quitting a job that's paying you a fortune but it's not what's in your heart. Risking things is one of the biggest fears we have.
– John Tesh
Resist your fear fear will never lead to you a positive end. Go for your faith and what you believe.
– T. D. Jakes
Republican values - strong families, faith, personal responsibility and freedom, among others - are not unique to specific subsets of the electorate. They are universal values, and it is Republicans' job to remind Americans of that fact.
– Gary Bauer
Remember the sufferings of Christ, the storms that were weathered... the crown that came from those sufferings which gave new radiance to the faith... All saints give testimony to the truth that without real effort, no one ever wins the crown.
– Thomas Becket
Religiously the Empire was pluralistic and marked by a search for a faith which would be satisfying intellectually and ethically and would give assurance of immortality.
– Kenneth Scott Latourette
Religious faith depends on a host of social, psychological and emotional factors that have little or nothing to do with probabilities, evidence and logic.
– Michael Shermer
Religious belief, like history itself, is a story that is always unfolding, always subject to inquiry and ripe for questioning. For without doubt there is no faith.
– Jon Meacham
Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy.
– Christopher Hitchens
Red Sox fans have been pushed to the brink over the years, but that's how faith grows stronger.
– Julianna Baggott
Red Letter Christians believe in the doctrines of the Apostle's Creed, are convinced that the Scriptures have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, and make having a personal transforming relationship with the resurrected Christ the touchtone of their faith.
– Tony Campolo
Put your nose into the Bible everyday. It is your spiritual food. And then share it. Make a vow not to be a lukewarm Christian.
– Kirk Cameron
Put your faith in God and confidence in yourself.
– Alberta Hunter
President Obama and his radical feminist enforcers have had it in for Catholic medical providers from the get-go. It's about time all people of faith fought back against this unprecedented encroachment on religious liberty. First, they came for the Catholics. Who's next?
– Michelle Malkin
President Ford was a devoted, decent man of impeccable integrity who put service to his country before his own self interest. He helped heal our nation during a time of crisis, provided steady leadership and restored people's faith in the presidency and in government.
– Mark Udall
Pray for intestinal fortitude, work hard, and keep the faith. Oh, and pray for good luck, you're gonna need it.
– Jerry Reed
Politicians are usually the first to forget that if you assume someone else is acting in bad faith, they will do the same to you. Questioning motives poisons the well.
– John Sununu
Physical strength can never permanently withstand the impact of spiritual force.
– Franklin D. Roosevelt
People will make leaps of faith and get excited by your product if you just get it in front of them.
– James Dyson
People define Christianity differently. I think a large portion of our population are Christians, they're not all growing in their faith, they're not all active, but I believe that a lot of people believe in Jesus and believe that he is their Lord and Savior.
– Joel Osteen
Painting is a faith, and it imposes the duty to disregard public opinion.
– Vincent van Gogh
Over the years my mother's steadfast faith in God has inspired me, particularly when I had to perform extremely difficult surgical procedures or when I found myself faced with my own medical scare.
– Benjamin Carson
Our society is illuminated by the spiritual insights of the Hebrew prophets. America and Israel have a common love of human freedom, and they have a common faith in a democratic way of life.
– Lyndon B. Johnson
Our national motto is 'In God we Trust,' reminding us that faith in our Creator is the most important American value of all.
– Marco Rubio
Our nation has kept faith with its veterans. Funding for veterans healthcare and benefits is strong, and has increased more than 75 percent in the last decade.
– Steve Buyer
Our ministry is supported entirely by faith, through the missions gifts of readers who receive my messages every three weeks. We seldom mention money, and we never burden supporters.
– David Wilkerson
Our first responsibility is to protect the American people and we cannot put on blinders to expect that everyone who seeks asylum does so in good faith.
– Bill Shuster
Our faith is stronger than death, our philosophy is firmer than flesh, and the spread of the Kingdom of God upon the earth is more sublime and more compelling.
– Dorothy Day
Our faith is faith in someone else's faith, and in the greatest matters this is most the case.
– William James
Our faith comes in moments our vice is habitual.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others.
– Erich Fromm
Only faith is sufficient.
– Robert Ley
One of the joys of being a Christian or being a person of faith is that you believe deep down that death isn't the worst thing, you know. Not living your life: that's the worst thing. And death is not, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's not, it's not the end of the world.
– Gene Robinson
Once you're successful with a certain kind of music, it's hard not to have faith in it as a means to stay successful.
– Roberta Flack
Often, we are quick to find blame with others but yet are unable to give constructive responses. There seems to be a tendency to doubt almost everything. Do we not have faith in our own people's strengths and in our institutions? Can we afford distrust amongst ourselves?
– Pratibha Patil
Of course, Americans have no monopoly of patriotic enthusiasm and good faith.
– Herbert Croly
Of course, bad marriages are so pervasive that they have invaded the faith community too.
– Jerry B. Jenkins
Obedience is an act of faith disobedience is the result of unbelief.
– Edwin Louis Cole
Now, God be praised, that to believing souls gives light in darkness, comfort in despair.
– William Shakespeare
Notwithstanding these setbacks, the dream of a beautiful American orchestra goes on, and I share Dr. King's faith that each year we move inexorably closer to a magnificent opening night.
– Adam Schiff
Nonviolence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed.
– Mahatma Gandhi
No relief was forthcoming from my then-Catholic faith, which said the practice of homosexuality was a 'mortal sin' subject to damnation.
– James McGreevey
No person I have ever met, not even the most righteous or pure of heart, has gone without those times when faith recedes in the busy-ness of life.
– Mitt Romney
No one else in our family was a professional musician so this took an enormous leap of faith on their part.
– Tony Visconti
No matter how old we become, we can still call them 'Holy Mother' and 'Father' and put a child-like trust in them.
– Desmond Morris
No matter how corrupt and unjust a convict may be, he loves fairness more than anything else. If the people placed over him are unfair, from year to year he lapses into an embittered state characterized by an extreme lack of faith.
– Anton Chekhov
No lover, if he be of good faith, and sincere, will deny he would prefer to see his mistress dead than unfaithful.
– Marquis de Sade
No human race is superior no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them.
– Elie Wiesel
My parents were both very intellectually honest, straightforward, and for them, faith meant that you were fully engaged.
– Rob Bell
My parents shared not only an improbable love, they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. They would give me an African name, Barack, or blessed, believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success.
– Barack Obama
My mother's family were full-on Irish Catholics - faith in an elaborate old fashioned, highly conservative and madly baroque style. I sort of fell out of the tribe over women's rights and social justice issues when I was just 13 years old.
– Geraldine Brooks
My heart hath often been deeply afflicted under a feeling that the standard of pure righteousness is not lifted up to the people by us, as a society, in that clearness which it might have been, had we been as faithful as we ought to be to the teachings of Christ.
– John Woolman
My gut feeling about sequels is that they should be premeditated: You should try to write a trilogy first or at least sketch out a trilogy if you have any faith in your film.
– Vin Diesel
My father, who died a few years ago, was a good, simple, very honest man. His faith and affection for his family was just unassailable, without question.
– David Ogden Stiers
My family, frankly, they weren't folks who went to church every week. My mother was one of the most spiritual people I knew but she didn't raise me in the church, so I came to my Christian faith later in life and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead.
– Barack Obama
My faith means everything to me. God and I talk constantly.
– Sherri Shepherd
My faith, inasmuch as I have any, is more like a kind of Joseph Campbell thing, and even that frequently finds itself tested to oblivion in siren waters.
– David Knopfler
My faith is very private to me. It plays an important part in my life, but I do not try and throw my beliefs at others. I have tremendous respect for all faiths and beliefs, but have a deep concern that religion and faith are currently a long way apart from each other.
– Rick Wakeman
My faith is the grand drama of my life. I'm a believer, so I sing words of God to those who have no faith.
– Olivier Messiaen
My faith is an important part of my life and over the years I've learnt that it takes a proud man to say he doesn't need anything. It has been a quiet strength and a backbone through a lot of difficult times.
– Bear Grylls
My faith inspires me so much. It is the very reason that I run. I feel that my running is completely a gift from God and it is my responsibility to use it to glorify him.
– Allyson Felix
My faith helps me overcome such negative emotions and find my equilibrium.
– The Dalai Lama