Quotes about: happiness

Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open.
– Rose Lane
The Bluebird of Happiness long absent from his life, Ned is visited by the Chicken of Depression.
– Gary Larson
Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean anything.
– Norman Lear
I certainly wasn't happy. Happiness has to do with reason, and only reason earns it. What I was given was the thing you can't earn, and can't keep, and often don't even recognize at the time; I mean joy.
– Ursula K. LeGuin
This very moment is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grow.
– Margaret Lindsey
The gods conceal from men the happiness of death, that they may endure life.
– Lucan
Being rich and famous isn't all happiness and at times the pressures have got to me.
– Annni-Frid Lyngstad
Money cannot buy happiness.
– Annni-Frid Lyngstad
An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. No reward coming after the event can compare with the sweet reward that went with it.
– Maurice Maeterlinck
Many a happiness in life, as many a disaster, can be due to chance, but the peace within us can never be governed by chance.
– Maurice Maeterlinck
Remember that happiness is as contagious as gloom. It should be the first duty of those who are happy to let others know of their gladness.
– Maurice Maeterlinck
I might have some character traits that some might see as innocence or naive. That's because I discovered peace and happiness in my soul. And with this knowledge, I also see the beauty of human life.
– Tobey Maguire
We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.
– Maxwell Maltz
Fate often puts all the material for happiness and prosperity into a man's hands just to see how miserable he can make himself with them.
– Don Marquis
Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness.
– Don Marquis
It is not true that suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive.
– W. Somerset Maugham
Self-pity comes so naturally to all of us. The most solid happiness can be shaken by the compassion of a fool.
– Andre Maurois
The first recipe for happiness is: Avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.
– Andre Maurois
Joy, rather than happiness, is the goal of life, for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. It is based on the experience of one's identity as a being of worth and dignity.
– Rollo May
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
– Bryant H. McGill
While it is important for people to see your promise you must also remember that hope is the keeper of both happiness and disappointment, the father of both progress and failure.
– Bryant H. McGill
I do not know who first invented the myth of sexual equality. But it is a myth willfully fostered and nourished by certain semi-scientists and other fiction writers. And it has done more, I suspect, to unsettle marital happiness than any other false doctrine of this myth-ridden age.
– Phyllis McGinley
I see nothing wrong with the human trait to desire. In fact, I consider it integral to our success mechanism. Becoming attached to what we desire is what causes the trouble. If you must have it in order to be happy, then you are denying the happiness of the here and now.
– Peter McWilliams
Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.
– Bernard Meltzer
Success is getting and achieving what you want. Happiness is wanting and being content with what you get.
– Bernard Meltzer
When ambition ends, happiness begins.
– Thomas Merton
When you're passionate about something, you want it to be all it can be. But in the endgame of life, I fundamentally believe the key to happiness is letting go of that idea of perfection.
– Debra Messing
Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind.
– Alice Meynell
I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them.
– John Stuart Mill
It is work, work that one delights in, that is the surest guarantor of happiness. But even here it is a work that has to be earned by labor in one's earlier years. One should labor so hard in youth that everything one does subsequently is easy by comparison.
– Ashley Montagu
The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.
– Ashley Montagu
The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mode of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change its form without being disappointed by the change; happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.
– Charles Morgan
I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up pursuing happiness, or cared to live until I chose to die. For these two discoveries I am beholden to Jesus.
– Malcolm Muggeridge
Happiness is a matter of one's most ordinary and everyday mode of consciousness being busy and lively and unconcerned with self.
– Iris Murdoch
There is no worse sorrow than remembering happiness in the day of sorrow.
– Alfred de Musset
Beauty and happiness and life are all the same and they are pervasive, unattached and abstract and they are our only concern. They are immeasurable, completely lacking in substance. They are perfect and sublime. This is the subject matter of art.
– Agnes Martin
Happiness is being on the beam with life - to feel the pull of life.
– Agnes Martin
Happiness is like a cloud, if you stare at it long enough, it evaporates.
– Sarah McLachlan
People don't really know us for us, we're just five guys who came from ordinary lives, and we have been blessed with a talent to perform and bring happiness to other people's lives. We had to pay our dues and bust our balls, and will probably have to do it again since we took a break. But we are all hungry and excited to be back recording and touring.
– A. J. McLean
I enjoy being happy every day, and hopefully you can hear my happiness in my music. Life is beautiful.
– Christina Milian
To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.
– Robert Muller
Happiness is having a scratch for every itch.
– Ogden Nash
There is only one way to achieve happiness on this terrestrial ball, and that is to have either a clear conscience or none at all.
– Ogden Nash
My greatest happiness is to serve my gracious King and Country and I am envious only of glory; for if it be a sin to covet glory I am the most offending soul alive.
– Horatio Nelson
Precisely the least, the softest, lightest, a lizard's rustling, a breath, a flash, a moment - a little makes the way of the best happiness.
– Friedrich Nietzsche
The man who is aware of himself is henceforward independent; and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness.
– Richard Milhous Nixon
The People have a right to the Truth as they have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
– Frank Norris
I hump the wild to take it all in, there is no bag limit on happiness.
– Ted Nugent
Happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.
– Austin O'Malley
Now I believe that lovers should be draped in flowers and laid entwined together on a bed of clover and left there to sleep, left there to dream of their happiness.
– Conor Oberst
What happiness is there which is not purchased with more or less of pain?
– Margaret Oliphant
Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
– George Orwell
Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness.
– George Orwell
It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.
– Thomas Paine
Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?
– Chuck Palahniuk
Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which are everything in this world.
– Blaise Pascal
Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate. So practice happy thinking every day. Cultivate the merry heart, develop the happiness habit, and life will become a continual feast.
– Norman Vincent Peale
Part of the happiness of life consists not in fighting battles, but in avoiding them. A masterly retreat is in itself a victory.
– Norman Vincent Peale
If I have to apply five turns to the screw each day for the happiness of Argentina, I will do it.
– Evita Peron
If happiness truly consisted in physical ease and freedom from care, then the happiest individual would not be either a man or a woman; it would be, I think, an American cow.
– William Lyon Phelps
Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.
– Pablo Picasso
The man who makes everything that leads to happiness depends upon himself, and not upon other men, has adopted the very best plan for living happily. This is the man of moderation, the man of manly character and of wisdom.
– Plato
Happiness: a way station between too little and too much.
– Channing Pollock
Know then this truth, enough for man to know virtue alone is happiness below.
– Alexander Pope
To show a child what once delighted you, to find the child's delight added to your own - this is happiness.
– J. B. Priestley
Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.
– Linus Pauling
Thoughts that I ask others several upon several, still feeling spirits upon spirits with the few moments of love, comfort, unity, & compassion all in a few seconds the holding of each other. The hole that is missing is slowly filled with happiness, joy, good or bad times.
– Brian Perkins
Man must search for what is right, and let happiness come on its own.
– Johann Pestalozzi
Happiness must be cultivated. It is like character. It is not a thing to be safely let alone for a moment, or it will run to weeds.
– Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
Households, cities, countries, and nations have enjoyed great happiness when a single individual has taken heed of the Good and Beautiful. Such people not only liberate themselves; they fill those they meet with a free mind.
– Philo
A good education is another name for happiness.
– Ann Plato
Well may the boldest fear and the wisest tremble when incurring responsibilities on which may depend our country's peace and prosperity, and in some degree the hopes and happiness of the whole human family.
– James Knox Polk
Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it.
– Jacques Prevert
The secret of happiness is to find a congenial monotony.
– V. S. Pritchett
Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.
– Ayn Rand
The applause was so loud and insistent that I had to respond with several encores. I was numb with happiness, when it was over, I knew that this alone must be my life and my world.
– Leni Riefenstahl
I saw that all beings are fated to happiness: action is not life, but a way of wasting some force, an enervation. Morality is the weakness of the brain.
– Arthur Rimbaud
You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness.
– Julia Roberts
The happiness and misery of men depend no less on temper than fortune.
– Francois de La Rochefoucauld
I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
– John D. Rockefeller
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.
– Jim Rohn
Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.
– Eleanor Roosevelt
There is an old saying that money can't buy happiness. If it could, I would buy myself four hits every game.
– Pete Rose
My travels led me to where I am today. Sometimes these steps have felt painful, difficult, but led me to greater happiness and opportunites.
– Diana Ross
Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.
– David Lee Roth
The happiness which is lacking makes one think even the happiness one has unbearable.
– Joseph Roux
Man's only true happiness is to live in hope of something to be won by him. Reverence something to be worshipped by him, and love something to be cherished by him, forever.
– John Ruskin
I've made an odd discovery. Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener, I'm convinced of the opposite.
– Bertrand Russell
If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have a paradise in a few years.
– Bertrand Russell
Man needs, for his happiness, not only the enjoyment of this or that, but hope and enterprise and change.
– Bertrand Russell
The secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile.
– Bertrand Russell
Bring love and peace and happiness and beautiful lives into the world in my honor. Thank you. Love you.
– Aron Ralston
Happiness is your own treasure because it lies within you.
– Prem Rawal
In Hollywood, if you don't have happiness, you send out for it.
– Rex Reed
You've got to ask! Asking is, in my opinion, the world's most powerful - and neglected - secret to success and happiness.
– Percy Ross
When I recall these days my schoolboy days, I cannot but express my deepest regret that I made such little improvement in them. Pleasure was all there engrossed my thoughts; fleeting pleasure that is ever presenting herself in some fresh garb to allure and deceive us-drawing us away from the true House of happiness and real enjoyment.
– William Rowley
Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best.
– Theodore Isaac Rubin
That which makes people dissatisfied with their condition, is the chimerical idea they form of the happiness of others.
– James Thomson
There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.
– Henry David Thoreau
One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken.
– Leo Tolstoy