Family Quotes

It's fun to imagine what you could do with that kind of money. I could buy that island I've wanted to buy all my life, and live there with my family. Or I could buy some great piece of art that's just going to feed my eyes every day. It's fun to toy with the notion of that, and it is very tempting because money, unfortunately is freedom in today's world.
– Johnny Depp
There is no social program in this country that is as important as a good job that pays well, that gives someone an opportunity to go to work, have some security, have benefits, and take care of their family and have a good life.
– Byron Dorgan
A good job is more than just a paycheck. A good job fosters independence and discipline, and contributes to the health of the community. A good job is a means to provide for the health and welfare of your family, to own a home, and save for retirement.
– James H. Douglas
There's nothing like a family crisis, especially a divorce, to force a person to re-evaluate his life.
– Michael Douglas
Now that I'm married and thinking of having a family, my greatest fear is being unable to defend my loved ones.
– David Duchovny
A lot of people from my neighborhood turned out to be well known. In a ten-block radius from my home, there was Eddie Fisher, Al Martino, Buddy Greco, Frankie Avalon, Fabian, Bobby Rydell, Sunny Gale (she was a wonderful singer), David Brenner, Jack Klugman. Mario Lanza was in my family by marriage.
– James Darren
When a man has done his best, has given his all, and in the process supplied the needs of his family and his society, that man has made a habit of succeeding.
– Mack R. Douglas
In Brooklyn, it was as though you were in your own little bubble. You were all part of one big, but very close family, and the Dodgers were the main topic of everybody's conversations and you could sense the affection people had for you. I don't know that such a thing exists anymore.
– Don Drysdale
Every Maryland family wants financial security, schools that work, quality healthcare, safer neighborhoods, and ever-expanding economic opportunity. These are the building blocks of a superior quality of life.
– Robert. L. Ehrlich
I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.
– Elizabeth II
Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements.
– Elizabeth II
The family only represents one aspect, however important an aspect, of a human being's functions and activities. . . . A life is beautiful and ideal or the reverse, only when we have taken into our consideration the social as well as the family relationship.
– Henry Ellis
If we abandon marriage, we abandon the family.
– Michael Enzi
We must remember that North Carolina is more than a collection of regions and people. We are one state, one people, one family, bound by a common concern for each other.
– Michael F. Easley
The story of my boyhood and that of my brothers is important only because it could happen in any American family. It did, and will again.
– Earl Eisenhower
In your standard-issue family - of which few remain, but on which our expectations are still based - there are parents and there are children. The way you know which are which, aside from certain size and age differences and despite any behavior similarities, is that the parents are the bossy ones.
– Delia Ephron
Your basic extended family today includes your ex-husband or -wife, your ex's new mate, your new mate, possibly your new mate's ex and any new mate that your new mate's ex has acquired.
– Delia Ephron
President Bush unveiled his new economic stimulus plan this week. It was reported that if the plan passes the president himself would save $44,000 in taxes, Dick Cheney would save $327,000, and you could afford to take the whole family down to Burger King to pick up job applications.
– Tina Fey
I visit Berlin occasionally to visit family, and the economic problems are quickly evident even to the casual visitor.
– Suzanne Fields
I didn't want to do a Family Ties type show. It never really represented my outlook and my sense of humor. I'm at once very optimistic and very cynical, and on this show [Spin City] I can be that.
– Michael J. Fox
I am glad the invitation pleases your family. It will please my family to the fourth generation and my family of friends and, were they living, it would have pleased inordinately the kind of Grover Cleveland Democrats I had for parents.
– Robert Frost
The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended-and not to take a hint when a hint isn't intended.
– Robert Frost
It has always felt like a failure that Bjorn and I couldn't keep our family together. You never get it back, but to this day I don't regret splitting up. The reason behind our separation is one of those things I definitely don't want to go into!
– Agnetha Faltskog
Homosexuality is Satan's diabolical attack upon the family that will not only have a corrupting influence upon our next generation, but it will also bring down the wrath of God upon America.
– Jerry Falwell
Today's woman doesn't have emotional or financial security. She has to go out and compete within a highly materialistic machine-and because of that she has guilt about both her family and her job-how do you do both? With the opportunity goes a sense of loss.
– Barbara Feldon
Family dinners are more often than not an ordeal of nervous indigestion, preceded by hidden resentment and ennui and accompanied by psychosomatic jitters.
– M. F. K. Fisher
My son Alessandro was always so terrific with his sister, and the three of us-Alessandro, Allegra and myself-made the highs as high as we could, and mostly tried to laugh at the lows. I have written about some of the difficulties a learning disability can cause a family, but there is always an up side to everything.
– Anne Ford
Total commitment to family and total commitment to career is possible, but fatiguing.
– Muriel Fox
I lost my father to colon cancer but am happy to say I have several family members who are long time cancer survivors. Everyone needs to be pro-active and know the various warning signs. We still need to find the cures, BUT early detection and research to make detection easier at earlier stages, along with the treatments needs, is still a must. I salute all those winning the battle.
– Dennis Franz
Our memories are an untidy family album crammed with images and dreams, scattered and uncatalogued, and their sudden recurrence is wholly unpredictable.
– Don Freeman
My work will be finished if I succeed in carrying conviction to the human family, that every man or woman, however weak in body, is the guardian of his or her self-respect and liberty, and that this defence prevails, though the world be against the individual resister.
– Mahatma Gandhi
My parents both sang very casually around the house. My family bought a wire recorder in the forties when I grew up, and they would sing a little into the wire recorder. Not seriously but just to make music around the house, and I must have liked the pleasing sound and their harmony. There was a little singing in my childhood and I could do that myself, I realized.
– Art Garfunkel
Books didn't figure in my family very much. However, my grandmother's attic was full of old, old books. In the summers we would go to North Dakota to visit her, and I would get in that attic and read everything in sight. That's when the passion started. I was maybe eight or nine.
– William H. Gass
I grew up in a show business family, so we've always had a great sense of balance, being so close to my parents. I've always known what is and isn't reality. Even my older brothers' early success 10 years ago didn't change me since there was such an age difference. I was moving about with my own gang, the skinheads, wearing steel-toed army boots and kicking in shop windows.
– Andy Gibb
But I always wanted to get married and have a family even when I was 13.
– Barry Gibb
I just love the feeling a close family gives you and I wouldn't change it for anything.
– Barry Gibb
I'd have to say, without a doubt, it's a pure love of pop music and the fact that we're a family that's knit together.
– Barry Gibb
I'm very much a family person.
– Barry Gibb
It was a family thing with us and that maybe is what destroyed it.
– Barry Gibb
It's that feeling of being a family unit.
– Barry Gibb
The secret is to make sure your family comes before anything else, because no matter what you do you've got to come home.
– Barry Gibb
We train in the mornings, and then I go home and rest or sleep, and usually I go for a meal with Abel of a night, as we're the two with no family here, so we tend to hang around together.
– Richard Gough
Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever separate.
– Ulysses S. Grant
I choose to live in Nashville because my whole family is there. I couldn't re-engage with the ever-changing face of the company, so I'm not begrudging any of that. As the music business continues to change, I don't know if it would ever make sense to sign with two majors. Record companies just have to reinvent the wheel as they go.
– Amy Grant
My energy was focused on trying to find my way out of a deep, dark wood, and getting good help that I trusted, and being involved with the people I was responsible for and responsible to. Beyond that extended family/friends/church base, there was no energy to consider who was putting the ban on me. If somebody made that choice, I totally respect that. But I had no interest in trying to justify anything to anybody.
– Amy Grant
I guess I'm a good story teller. What makes me a prolific writer is two factors at work. Celibacy; I don't have a family to distract me. And I'm glib. I reached facility with words.
– Andrew Greeley
It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.
– Philip Green
My father is a dentist. He has nothing to do with acting. He is proud of me. I come from a bourgeois family, like the family in The Dreamers.
– Eva Green
There's an old saying that the only sure things in life are death and taxes. Well, in its never-ending appetite for more of your hard-earned income, the government has not only embraced that old saying, it's taken it a step further. Under the current tax code, Uncle Sam treats death as another chance to raid your savings, taking money that should go to your family and loved ones.
– Mark Green
Women's liberation, if it abolishes the patriarchal family, will abolish a necessary substructure of the authoritarian state, and once that withers away Marx will have come true willy-nilly, so let's get on with it.
– Germaine Greer
Home is the wallpaper above the bed, the family dinner table, the church bells in the morning, the bruised shins of the playground, the small fears that come with dusk, the streets and squares and monuments and shops that constitute one's first universe.
– Henry Anatole Grunwald
I take the family shopping round. The markets of the world.
– Edgar Guest
Juan Peron, I think in the end, had become a little resentful of Eva. She was so popular. She was so much more loved than he was. And he never wanted to be buried in the same tomb with her. So she was buried in her family crypt; he was buried in his own crypt.
– Alma Guillermoprieto
Somebody will come from Village X and then they'll send for the brother and then they'll send for the sister and then they'll send for the brother-in-law and then they'll send for the wife of the brother-in-law. Everybody sharing a very small house or an apartment, working in shifts and sending money back to the family.
– Alma Guillermoprieto
The gift of the family novelist is to turn the cleaning of a closet into an inventory of love and loss-to scan a poem from a shopping list.
– Marilyn Gardner
The presidency is temporary - but the family is permanent.
– Yvonne de Gaulle
Why would we want to keep a tax cut that's failed? Why would we not want to go back to the Clinton tax code? And why would we not want to help every family more with a health-care plan like mine? Let's help average people. Let's be Democrats.
– Dick Gephardt
During those days in Goya, and under Alejandro's influence, an old sentimental rebellion came back - against the family, against Mother - and although I knew quite well the green naivete of that anemic state, it gripped me by the throat. Ah! Not to love one's mother!
– Witold Gombrowicz
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child In the last decade or so, science has discovered a tremendous amount about the role emotions play in our lives. Researchers have found that even more than IQ, your emotional awareness and abilities to handle feelings will determine your success and happiness in all walks of life, including family relationships.
– John Gottman
I've made out more this season on a family-friendly show than ever in my actual life.
– Lauren Graham
As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.
– Buddy Hackett
I am still a jazz musician and not a pop star in terms of money and so I have to take care of my family first, then my extended family and my country.
– Herbie Hancock
Only solitary men know the full joys of friendship. Others have their family; but to a solitary and an exile his friends are everything.
– Warren Harding
Grandmother, family-proud and so of house, with hob black-leaded, glistening like a raven's wings and brass like gold untarnished.
– Brian Harris
We looked on the hopheads, crooks and gunsels and on their bawdy ladies as members of a family among whom we were privileged to move. There was no caste system, moral or social, in our manners.
– Ben Hecht
I will commit myself to making this state an even greater place to live, work and raise a family. I intend to reach out from border to border to hear first-hand from our citizens about their thoughts, concerns and ideas for our state.
– Dave Heineman
Nebraskans are known for giving of themselves and that quality is part of what makes our state such a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family.
– Dave Heineman
Love and business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadows of words when a man's starving!
– O. Henry
I have now disposed of all my property to my family. There is one thing more I wish I could give them, and that is the Christian religion.
– Patrick Henry
What unites Oklahomans today is what has always united us: Our unshakable faith. Our love of family and compassion for others. The unlimited promise of a hopeful future.
– Brad Henry
Bush can talk about 100,000 people wanting to go work in the police or in the army. It's because there's nothing else for them to do. They're willing to stand in line to get bombed because they want to take care of their family.
– Seymour Hersh
I swear... to hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture.
– Hippocrates
If you have this enormous talent, it's got you by the balls, it's a demon. You can't be a family man and a husband and a caring person and be that animal. Dickens wasn't that nice a guy.
– Dustin Hoffman
I know that I could really kill for my daughter. I know because I'm living for her, so I'm fierce when it comes down to it. And I feel the same about my husband and my family. I'm just fiercely protective. It's like, that's my lair and nobody messes with my lair.
– Whitney Houston
When I walk into an Orthodox Church... one is immediately aware that one has stepped into the presence of what St. Paul would call the whole family in heaven and earth. You have stepped into the precincts of heaven!
– Thomas Howard
If I told you that the big contract had nothing to do with my signing, I'd be lying. It made the future secure for my family.
– Bobby Hull
Wherever the citizen becomes indifferent to his fellows, so will the husband be to his wife, and the father of a family toward the members of his household.
– Wilhelm von Humboldt
Evan Hunter is not a pseudonym. It has been my legal name since 1952. It is the name I answer to, the name on my passport, the name I sign to my checks, the name my family and friends know me by. Ed McBain is the pseudonym.
– Evan Hunter
My voice has been blamed on Guinness and on Gauloises and all sorts of things like that but I'm here to tell you that it's a family voice entirely. My voice is the same timbre as my brothers, except of course that he's more Cambridge, and my father had exactly the same voice only he, of course, was a bit more North country. But the timbre of the voice is a family thing. I'm not being modest I'm being very grateful. I do love working vocally.
– John Hurt
I'm not sad that I haven't had any children, because there are a lot in my family. My brother's children in their early twenties are great.
– Anjelica Huston
A liberal education... frees a man from the prison-house of his class, race, time, place, background, family and even his nation.
– Robert M. Hutchins
All what we hope for is that a day will come, when we have all gone, when people will say that this man has tried, and his family tried. This is all there is to seek in this world.
– King Hussein
I never saw myself so much as an actor. I wanted to be a cartoonist like Charles M. Schulz and create my own world and be able to have a studio at home and not commute and be able to be with my family.
– Mark Hamill
If advertising has invaded the judgment of children, it has also forced its way into the family, an insolent usurper of parental function, degrading parents to mere intermediaries between their children and the market. This indeed is a social revoluation in our time!
– Jules Henry
There has been a reevaluation of our slave philosophy that permitted us to be satisfied with the leftovers at the back door rather than demand a full serving at the family dinner table.
– Aaron Henry
I wouldn't want to raise a family in New York. And it's getting to the point where you can have an established career and live in Atlanta.
– Shuler Hensley
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
– Burton Hillis
I think that in a year I may retire. I cannot take my money with me when I die and I wish to enjoy it, with my family, while I live. I should prefer living in Germany to any other country, though I am an American, and am loyal to my country.
– Harry Houdini
I got caught up on drugs for a few years, I'm off it, I'm very happy, got two kids and a family and everything. And like I said I'm making the underground music, and keeping it real.
– Vanilla Ice
The revolution is carried out by means of one's thought, not through one's family background.
– Kim Jong Il
To each other, we were as normal and nice as the smell of bread. We were just a family. In a family even exaggerations make perfect sense.
– John Irving
I'm very fortunate in that I don't have money problems. I have lunch with my wife at home. I don't have to commute, so I have much more time with my family.
– Kazuo Ishiguro
Our family arrived in England in 1960. At that time I thought the war was ancient history. But if I think of 15 years ago from now, that's 1990, and that seems like yesterday to me.
– Kazuo Ishiguro
People were incredibly kind to our family and went out of their way to help.
– Kazuo Ishiguro
It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities.
– Shirley Jackson
When I first started in the music business, I became estranged from my family and friends. Now I can enjoy a stress-free environment, be in control of my music and not have to worry about what's going on behind my back, because I'm surrounded by my people.
– Cheryl James
I often wonder why you should fear me and my family so much that you would want to deny us equal justice under the law.
– Sunshine Jones
Jack doesn't belong anymore to just a family. He belongs to the country.
– Joseph P. Kennedy
More parents are teaching their children about embarrassment, about lying, about humiliation, about family hurt, and about public responsibility, than before we heard the name Monica Lewinsky.
– John F. Kerry
Only in Washington would anyone call this budget fiscally responsible. Every American family has to live within their means. Their government should, too.
– John F. Kerry