Truth Quotes

Evil is, good or truth misplaced.
– Mahatma Gandhi
He who trifles with truth cuts at the root of Ahimsa. He who is angry is guilty of Himsa.
– Mahatma Gandhi
I have found by experience that man makes his plans to be often upset by God, but, at the same time, where the ultimate goal is the search of truth, no matter how a man's plans are frustrated the issue is never injurious and often better then anticipated.
– Mahatma Gandhi
I worship God as Truth only. I have not yet found Him, but I am seeking after Him. I am prepared to sacrifice the things dearest to me in pursuit of this quest. Even if the sacrifice demanded my very life, I hope I may be prepared to give it.
– Mahatma Gandhi
In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Insistence on truth can come into play when one party practises untruth or injustice. Only then can love be tested. True friendship is put to the test only when one party disregards the obligation of friendship.
– Mahatma Gandhi
It is through truth non-violence that I can have some glimpseof God. Truth non-violence are my God. They are the obverse and reverse of the same coin.
– Mahatma Gandhi
There should be truth in thought, truth in speech, and truth in action. To the man who has realised this truth in perfection, nothing else remains to be known because all knowledge is necessarily included in it.
– Mahatma Gandhi
This campaign of non-cooperation has no reference to diplomacy, secret or open. The only diplomacy it admits of is the statement and pursuance of truth at any cost.
– Mahatma Gandhi
True religion is not a narrow dogma. It is not external observance. It is faith in God and living in the presence of God. It means faith in a future life, in truth and Ahimsa. There prevails today a sort of apathy towards these things of the Spirit.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Truth quenches untruth, love quenches anger, self-suffering quenches violence. This eternal rule is a rule not for saints only but for all.
– Mahatma Gandhi
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, always.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Paul's the writer. Yeah, I wrote a little of that stuff, but that's just technically true. In spirit, and in essence of the truth, it doesn't matter. So I don't know, maybe I'm being foolish for not being technical. Yeah, I wrote a certain portion of the things.
– Art Garfunkel
He who sees the truth, let him proclaim it, without asking who is for it or who is against it.
– Henry George
Truth, naked, unblushing truth, the first virtue of all serious history, must be the sole recommendation of this personal narrative.
– Edward Gibbon
There is no better way of exercising the imagination than the study of law. No poet ever interpreted nature as freely as a lawyer interprets the truth.
– Jean Giraudoux
Time is money says the proverb, but turn it around and you get a precious truth. Money is time.
– George Gissing
The truth is that there is no terror untempered by some great moral idea.
– Jean-Luc Godard
It is easier to perceive error than to find truth, for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it.
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wisdom is found only in truth.
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is.
– Nadine Gordimer
The terrible thing about the quest for truth is that you find it.
– Remy de Gourmont
I think Catholic Americans had better believe there's truth in all religions, because the Second Vatican Council said that. We don't believe that we have a monopoly on truth. We believe what we have is true, but it's not the whole truth. And we can learn a lot from the other religions if we listen to them respectfully.
– Andrew Greeley
Science proceeds along a zig-zag path toward what we hope will be ultimate truth, a path that began with humanity's earliest attempts to fathom the cosmos and whose end we cannot predict.
– Brian Greene
We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains.
– Ursula K. Le Guin
Truth is the daughter of time.
– Aulus Gellius
I was resolved to sustain and preserve in my college the bite of the mind, the chance to stand face to face with truth, the good life lived in a small, various, highly articulate and democratic society.
– Virginia Gildersleeve
Literature boils with the madcap careers of writers brought to the edge by the demands of living on their nerves, wringing out their memories and their nightmares to extract meaning, truth, beauty.
– Herbert Gold
Truth cannot be defined or tested by agreement with 'the world'; for not only do truths differ for different worlds but the nature of agreement between a world apart from it is notoriously nebulous.
– Nelson Goodman
If you tell the truth, you have infinite power supporting you; but if not, you have infinite power against you.
– Charles G. Gordon
I see architecture not as Gropius did, as a moral venture, as truth, but as invention, in the same way that poetry or music or painting is invention.
– Michael Graves
The dialogue of architecture has been centered too long around the idea of truth.
– Michael Graves
Truth is not determined by majority vote.
– Doug Gwyn
Why would anyone lie? The truth is always more colorful.
– James Hall
Scarce any problem will appear more hard and difficult, than that of determining the distance of the Sun from the Earth very near the truth: but even this... will without much labour be effected.
– Edmond Halley
Mind and spirit together make up that which separates us from the rest of the animal world, that which enables a man to know the truth and that which enables him to die for the truth.
– Edith Hamilton
Truth, like a torch, the more it's shook it shines.
– William Hamilton
I always divide people into two groups. Those who live by what they know to be a lie, and those who live by what they believe, falsely, to be the truth.
– Christopher Hampton
But, the truth is that everyone is somebody already.
– Herbie Hancock
They taught me, not by precept, but by example, that nothing is more commendable, and more fair, than that a man should lay aside all else, and seek truth; not to preach what he might find; and surely not to try to make his views prevail; but, like Lessing, to find his satisfaction in the search itself.
– Learned Hand
The biggest lesson we have to give our children is truth.
– Goldie Hawn
Belief is with them mechanical, voluntary: they believe what they are paid for - they swear to that which turns to account. Do you suppose, that after years spent in this manner, they have any feeling left answering to the difference between truth and falsehood?
– William Hazlitt
Mankind are an incorrigible race. Give them but bugbears and idols - it is all that they ask; the distinctions of right and wrong, of truth and falsehood, of good and evil, are worse than indifferent to them.
– William Hazlitt
Truth made you a traitor as it often does in a time of scoundrels.
– Lillian Hellman
What a word is truth. Slippery, tricky, unreliable. I tried in these books to tell the truth.
– Lillian Hellman
The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.
– Adolf Hitler
Many people have observed that truth is stranger than fiction. This has led some intellectuals to conclude that it's stranger than non-fiction as well.
– Brad Holland
Postmodernists believe that truth is myth, and myth, truth. This equation has its roots in pop psychology. The same people also believe that emotions are a form of reality. There used to be another name for this state of mind. It used to be called psychosis.
– Brad Holland
The truth is, we haven't really figured out yet how artists are going to thrive in modern mass societies. We're all experiments.
– Brad Holland
Rough work, iconoclasm, but the only way to get at truth.
– Oliver Wendell Holmes
Truth is absolute, truth is supreme, truth is never disposable in national political life.
– John Howard
I confess I have been more choice and he hath left me to distinguish between the voice of my beloved and the voice of Moses, the voice of John the Baptist and the voice of antichrist, for all those voices are spoken of in scripture. Now if you do condemn me for speaking what in my conscience I know to be truth I must commit myself unto the Lord.
– Anne Hutchinson
One may preach a covenant of grace more clearly than another... But when they preach a covenant of works for salvation, that is not truth.
– Anne Hutchinson
Will it please you to answer me this and to give me a rule for then I will willingly submit to any truth.
– Anne Hutchinson
A vast chasm separates objective, constructive criticism, which emanates from concern for the higher national good, from attempts at slander and defamation. Pluralism does not permit any side to claim a monopoly on truth. No side may claim for itself the sole prerogative to confer the quality of good citizenship. None may claim to be more concerned for the national good than another.
– King Hussein
Memory is often less about the truth than about what we want it to be.
– David Halberstam
Effective thinking consists of being able to arrive at the truth; truth being defined as that which exists.
– Calvin S. Hall
The truth is you don't like the theater except the times when you're in a room by yourself putting the play on paper.
– Dashiell Hammett
The truth is that it is natural, as well as necessary, for every man to be a vagabond occasionally.
– Samuel H. Hammond
The most mischievous liars are those who keep sliding on the verge of truth.
– Augustus Hare
My passion for opera-the eternal truth of drama through music-has grown, while my interest in performance has diminished. Which is perhaps as good a reason as any other to go quietly.
– Lord Harewood
A society committed to the search for truth must give protection to, and set a high value upon, the independent and original mind, however angular, however rasping, however socially unpleasant it may be; for it is upon such minds, in large measure, that the effective search for truth depends.
– Caryl P. Haskins
Although I had arrived in total darkness the light of truth at once burst upon my mind and I perceived most clearly that the republicans had overreached themselves.
– Francis Bond Head
Truth is the torch that gleams through the fog without dispelling it.
– Claud-Adrian Helvetius
The title refers to the wife's calling for a lost puppy, yet it is clear that hers is in truth a cri de cur for the unassuageable pain of growing old before she has even grown up.
– William A. Henry III
The most important thing about my profession is finding the truth, finding the reality of these shows.
– Shuler Hensley
Individually, museums are fine institutions, dedicated to the high values of preservation, education and truth; collectively, their growth in numbers points to the imaginative death of this country.
– Robert Hewison
It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it.
– A. A. Hodge
The truth is, I initially became a singer-songwriter while still in my teens because it was the only way to guarantee that somebody on earth would sing the songs I was writing. Since then, I've performed just about everywhere: rock clubs, concerts halls, arenas, TV.
– Rupert Holmes
I am innocent of all charges and will never admit to these lies. If there is any ground of truth in these statements, then it is because of childish ignorance and the evil companions with whom I was formally surrounded. I also seek to state, that I am faithful to the King and would never wish harm upon him. I will seek his mercy, but not by admitting to these treacherous lies.
– Catherine Howard
Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth.
– Henrik Ibsen
The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom - these are the pillars of society.
– Henrik Ibsen
The worst enemy of truth and freedom in our society is the compact majority. Yes, the damned, compact, liberal majority.
– Henrik Ibsen
Vagueness is at times an indication of nearness to a perfect truth.
– Charles Ives
The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards.
– Alexander Jablokov
When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.
– Dresden James
The woman whose behavior indicates that she will make a scene if she is told the truth asks to be deceived.
– Elizabeth Jenkins
What this means is that corporations and those who run them cannot stop exploiting resources and amassing wealth until they have... .I cannot finish this sentence, because the truth is that can never stop; like cancer, they can only continue to expand until they kill the host.
– Derrick Jensen
The first casualty when war comes is truth.
– Hiram Johnson
Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.
– Spencer Johnson
The dreadful truth is that when people come to see their MP they have run out of better ideas.
– Boris Johnson
I felt like all of the American people did not believe me because of the things that were said about me, and said that people would say that it was just for the money, and it wasn't about the money. It was about what he did to me. And I knew I was telling the truth.
– Paula Jones
I told the truth, and I did it on national TV in a lie-detector test.
– Paula Jones
It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts.
– K. T. Jong
Passover affirms the great truth that liberty is the inalienable right of every human being.
– Morris Joseph
The President's handling of the war has been a toxic mix of ignorance, arrogance, and stubborn ideology. No amount of Presidential rhetoric or preposterous campaign spin can conceal the truth about the steady downward spiral in our national security since President Bush made the decision to go to war in Iraq.
– Edward Kennedy
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie: deliberate, continued, and dishonest; but the myth: persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.
– John F. Kennedy
It's about time we all faced up to the truth. If we accept the radical homosexual agenda, be it in the military or in marriage or in other areas of our lives, we are utterly destroying the concept of family.
– Alan Keyes
To tell you the truth, in my work, love is always in opposition to the elements. It creates dilemmas. It brings in suffering. We can't live with it, and we can't live without it. You'll rarely find a happy ending in my work.
– Krzysztof Kieslowski
I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
We ought to reverence books; to look on them as useful and mighty things. If they are good and true, whether they are about religion, politics, farming, trade, law, or medicine, they are the message of Christ, the maker of all things - the teacher of all truth.
– Charles Kingsley
The truth needs so little rehearsal.
– Barbara Kingsolver
An aphorism can never be the whole truth; it is either a half-truth or a truth-and-a-half.
– Karl Kraus
The truth is not so potent. But only truth - even the most aching and painful - will allow to purify the wounds of the memory.
– Aleksander Kaasniewski
Today's Poland has courage to look into the eyes of the truth about a nightmare which gloomed one of the chapters in its history.
– Aleksander Kaasniewski
We know enough to stand here in truth - facing pain, cry and suffering of those who were murdered here. Face to face with the victims' families who are here today. Before the judgment of our own conscience.
– Aleksander Kaasniewski
A lot of people claim to have studied with Gene Kelly, and they're probably telling the truth, because he and I taught hundreds and hundreds of people... some of them in twenty-minute assembly-line lessons that cost fifty cents.
– Fred Kelly
There is one sure way of telling when politicians aren't telling the truth - their lips move.
– Felicity Kendall
Truth, which is important to a scholar, has got to be concrete. And there is nothing more concrete than dealing with babies, burps and bottles, frogs and mud.
– Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
For us, universal values such as justice, morality and peace cannot be disputed and it is for this reason that we pursue the restoration of historical truth.
– Robert Kocharian