Truth Quotes

It takes a long time to learn that a courtroom is the last place in the world for learning the truth.
– Alice Koller
A scientist shouldn't be asked to judge the economic and moral value of his work. All we should ask the scientist to do is find the truth-and then not keep it from anyone.
– Arthur Kornberg
Truth and love are my law and worship; Form and conscience my manifestation and guide; Nature and peace are my shelter and companion; Order is my attitude; Beauty and perfection are my attack.
– Wayne Kramer
Acting is all about truth and honesty, and the sensitivity that's capable of transporting you.
– Thomas Kretschmann
Any necessary truth, whether a priori or a posteriori, could not have turned out otherwise.
– Saul Kripke
Tell the truth. Sing with passion. Work with laughter. Love with heart. 'Cause that's all that matters in the end.
– Kris Kristofferson
Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth;Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust;Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace;Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe.
– Satish Kumar
In argument, truth always prevails finally; in politics, falsehood always.
– Walter Savage Landor
Truth is a point, the subtlest and finest; harder than adamant; never to be broken, worn away or blunted. Its only bad quality is, that it is sure to hurt those who touch it; and likely to draw blood, perhaps the life blood of those who press earnestly upon it.
– Walter Savage Landor
The profoundest of all sensualities is the sense of truth and the next deepest sensual experience is the sense of justice.
– David Herbert Lawrence
Never lie when the truth is more profitable.
– Stanislaw J. Lec
The crime of book purging is that it involves a rejection of the word. For the word is never absolute truth, but only man's frail and human effort to approach the truth. To reject the word is to reject the human search.
– Max Lerner
Duration is not a test of truth or falsehood.
– Anne Morrow Lindbergh
When distant and unfamiliar and complex things are communicated to great masses of people, the truth suffers a considerable and often a radical distortion. The complex is made over into the simple, the hypothetical into the dogmatic, and the relative into an absolute.
– Walter Lippmann
Truth in science can be defined as the working hypothesis best suited to open the way to the next better one.
– Konrad Lorenz
A poor choice of words conveyed to some the impression that I embrace the discarded policies of the past. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by my statement.
– Trent Lott
Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it Confucius All truth is safe and nothing else is safe, but he who keeps back truth, or withholds it from men, from motives of expediency, is either a coward or a criminal.
– James Russell Lowell
Superstition, idolatry, and hypocrisy have ample wages, but truth goes a-begging.
– Martin Luther
I know what you're saying, but I already told you all the truth and I, I don't what, I don't know what else to do. I just do the best I can and tell you the only thing I can, and that's what I already told you many times.
– Wen Ho Lee
You will be judges of the fact. You are the sole and exclusive judges of what the truth is. You will bring with you here your common sense.
– Russell R. Leggett
In order to dream, you need to have a springboard which is the facts... It gives it that touch of reality, and I think that's quite important... truth with fiction.
– Janet Leigh
Go to the truth beyond the mind. Love is the bridge.
– Stephen Levine
You can bend it and twist it... You can misuse and abuse it... But even God cannot change the Truth.
– Michael Levy
Truth is a great flirt.
– Franz Liszt
They're both such great directors. Ridley, of course, is very visual; he brings a world of visual creativity to the work, as well as great emotional truth and sincerity. And Scorsese is just great as the synapses flash in his mind - you just stand there and try to grab them!
– John Logan
The search for truth is not a trade by which a man can support himself; for a priest it is a supreme peril .
– Alfred Loisy
We can lie in the language of dress or try to tell the truth; but unless we are naked and bald, it is impossible to be silent.
– Alison Lurie
The object of oratory alone in not truth, but persuasion.
– Thomas Babington Macaulay
I think I would be more concerned about a sexually risque movie, than a movie that reveals a truth that needs to be revealed.
– Andie MacDowell
It's the same old boring thing, and I honestly think it's the truth-wearing sunblock, drinking water, getting good sleep and being at peace with yourself. Whenever I am tormented inside, whenever there's something going on that makes her hurt or painful, that's when I'll look my worst. And I think it's for everybody.
– Andie MacDowell
A truth that disheartens because it is true is of more value than the most stimulating of falsehoods.
– Maurice Maeterlinck
We Americans have always considered Hollywood, at best, a sinkhole of depraved venality. And, of course, it is. It is not a Protective Monastery of Aesthetic Truth. It is a place where everything is incredibly expensive.
– David Mamet
Literature exists at the same time in the modes of error and truth; it both betrays and obeys its own mode of being.
– Paul de Man
Life and Jah are one in the same. Jah is the gift of existence. I am in some way eternal, I will never be duplicated. The sigularity of every man and woman is Jah's gift. What we struggle to make of it is our sole gift to Jah. The process of what that struggle becomes, in time, the Truth.
– Bob Marley
If you love the truth, you'll trust it-that is, you will expect it to be good, beautiful, perfect, orderly, etc., in the long run, not necessarily in the short run.
– Abraham Maslow
Science by itself has no moral dimension. But it does seek to establish truth. And upon this truth morality can be built.
– William H. Masters
We cannot forever hide the truth about ourselves, from ourselves.
– John McCain
Caricature is rough truth.
– George Meredith
Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.
– Thomas Merton
Liberals should not overplay this weapons of mass destruction card, because you want me to tell you the truth? Most of us are not going to care if they don't find these weapons of mass destruction. It's enough for a lot of us to see those kids smiling on that street again.
– Dennis Miller
The truth about childhood, as many of us have had to endure it, is inconceivable, scandalous, painful. Not uncommonly, it is monstrous. Invariably, it is repressed. To be confronted with this truth all at once and to try to integrate it into our consciousness, however ardently we may wish it, is clearly impossible.
– Alice Miller
The truth can not be drowned by any flood of false indictments.
– Slobodan Milosevic
Truth never comes into the world but like a bastard, to the ignominy of him that brought her birth.
– John Milton
Instead of welcoming Reverend Moon, this government put me into prison. History will reveal the truth in the future and the American government and people will realize what an evil thing they did. What will they do then? They will bow down. Again, that is the way of natural subjugation.
– Sun Myung Moon
Our movement has the greatest weapon if you use that word truth. We also have the greatest target: the human heart.
– Sun Myung Moon
There are many crooked lines and one straight line. Which is the line of truth? Why the straight line? Truth is always the shortest distance between two points.
– Sun Myung Moon
The truth is you can have a great marriage, but there are still no guarantees.
– Demi Moore
Time, still as he flies, adds increase to her truth, and gives to her mind what he steals from her youth.
– Edward Moore
The truth is that a lost empire, lost power and lost wealth provide perfect circumstances for living happily and contentedly in our enchanted island.
– Malcolm Muggeridge
Once we thought, journalists and readers alike, that if we put together enough facts and gave them a fast stir, we would come up with something that, at least by the standards of short-order cooks, could be called the truth.
– Melvin Maddocks
Any material may be used but the theme is the same and the response is the same for all artwork... we all have the same concern, but the artist must know exactly what the experience is. He must pursue the truth relentlessly.
– Agnes Martin
There are few earthly things more beautiful than a university a place where those who hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who perceive truth may strive to make others see.
– John Masefield
Truth exists for the wise, beauty for the feeling heart.
– Samurai Maxim
If a single one of these gentlemen is correct, if a believer of any type is right, the essential truth for man, the real drama of life, in comparison with which the secular story of the race, is a puppet-show and the unfolding of the universe is a triviality, is the dialogue of the immortal soul and the eternal God. Yet it seems that there is nothing in the world so hard to discover as this. The theory refutes itself.
– Joseph McCabe
Really, everybody sometimes will think about Christmas, Christmases past, like it was a Currier & Ives print, you know, the candle in the window, the snow on the sill, and isn't this wonderful? But the truth was Uncle Harry got drunk, the kids were fighting over the toys, there wasn't enough money, you overate.
– Phillip C. McGraw
Ever since I came to Congress in 1992, there are those who have been trying to silence my voice. I've been told to sit down and shut up over and over again. Well, I won't sit down and I won't shut up until the full and unvarnished truth is placed before the American people.
– Cynthia McKinney
I've learned to trust myself, to listen to truth, to not be afraid of it and to not try and hide it.
– Sarah McLachlan
The truth about Hamas and Islamic Jihad is that they don't prevent Israel from existing or even flourishing, they prevent Palestine from coming into existence.
– Michael Medved
The violinist must possess the poet's gift of piercing the protective hide which grows on propagandists, stockbrokers and slave traders, to penetrate the deeper truth which lies within.
– Yehudi Menuhin
Follow the wisdom of the great actor, James Cagney, you hit your mark, you look the other guy in the eye, and you tell the truth.
– Larry Merchant
When affection only speaks, truth is not always there.
– Thomas Middleton
It's a sad truth that everyone is a bore to someone.
– Llewellyn Miller
That I may apprehend thee as light lightening every creature and everything, every moment; that I may know thee as truth, hearing thy voice; that I may serve thee as love, loving thy people, asking for no reward, no place, but one only and for one instant-to lean on thy bosom.
– Eric Milner-White
Grow your tree of falsehood from a small grain of truth. Do not follow those who lie in contempt of reality. Let your lie be even more logical than the truth itself, so the weary travelers may find repose.
– Czeslaw Milosz
I'm looking for the truth. The audience doesn't come to see you, they come to see themselves.
– Julianne Moore
If you want to know the truth about actresses, it's that we're hungry all the time. We really don't eat. We live on Muesli bars and yoghurt.
– Julianne Moore
I am a fighter. I believe in that which is right, and the truth is, I have been the Lone Ranger for the past thirty years and I will not give up the fight. I love my public and I'll fight for you. I'll continue to make personal appearances for my thousands of fans.
– Clayton Moore
You know, comedy's hard. With drama, you have a responsibility to the emotional truth, but with comedy, you have emotional truth and you have technique on top of it.
– Julianne Moore
A good man often appears gauche simply because he does not take advantage of the myriad mean little chances of making himself look stylish. Preferring truth to form, he is not constantly at work upon the facade of his appearance.
– Alanis Morissette
The only Bible-honoring conclusion is, of course, that Genesis 1-11 is actual historical truth, regardless of any scientific or chronological problems thereby entailed.
– Henry Morris
We too often bind ourselves by authorities rather than by the truth.
– Lucretia Mott
It is claimed, but with what truth we cannot say, that there is a well-defined propaganda among the aliens of colour to bring about the degeneration of the white race.
– Emily Murphy
A Lawyer will do anything to win a case, sometimes he will even tell the truth.
– Patrick Murray
One of the great privileges of being a part of the Senate, it being the greatest deliberative body in the world, is out of the discussions of ideas, hopefully truth can ultimately be achieved.
– Bill Nelson
Hope is nature's veil for hiding truth's nakedness.
– Alfred Nobel
I never truckled; I never took off the hat to Fashion and held it out for pennies. By God, I told them the truth.
– Frank Norris
The People have a right to the Truth as they have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
– Frank Norris
Truth is a thing immortal and perpetual, and it gives to us a beauty that fades not away in time.
– Frank Norris
I was provided with additional input that was radically different from the truth. I assisted in furthering that version.
– Oliver North
There is no such thing as a harmless truth.
– Gregory Nunn
Belief is a truth held in the mind; faith is a fire in the heart.
– Joseph Fort Newton
The possession of arbitrary power has always, the world over, tended irresistibly to destroy humane sensibility, magnanimity, and truth.
– Frederick Law Olmsted
And I said, 'Why not? It's the truth! Why can't I say I'm a Beatles fan?' I used to get criticized for that.
– Buck Owens
What for centuries raised man above the beast is not the cudgel but the irresistible power of unarmed truth.
– Boris Pasternak
What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough to embrace the whole truth: life always spills over the rim of every cup.
– Boris Pasternak
We must be willing to fail and to appreciate the truth that often Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.
– M. Scott Peck
Whoever is detected in a shameful fraud is ever after not believed even if they speak the truth.
– Phaedrus
Truth is one forever absolute, but opinion is truth filtered through the moods, the blood, the disposition of the spectator.
– Wendell Phillips
I try to lie as much as I can when I'm interviewed. It's reverse psychology. I figure if you lie, they'll print the truth.
– River Phoenix
Many journalists now are no more than channelers and echoers of what Orwell called the official truth. They simply cipher and transmit lies. It really grieves me that so many of my fellow journalists can be so manipulated that they become really what the French describe as functionaires, functionaries, not journalists.
– John Pilger
Traditional scientific method has always been at the very best, 20 - 20 hindsight. It's good for seeing where you've been. It's good for testing the truth of what you think you know, but it can't tell you where you ought to go.
– Robert M. Pirsig
Experience is what really happens to you in the long run; the truth that finally overtakes you.
– Katherine Anne Porter
If the individual, or heretic, gets hold of some essential truth, or sees some error in the system being practiced, he commits so many marginal errors himself that he is worn out before he can establish his point.
– Ezra Pound
I don't value authority. I don't value the systems. I don't value patriarchal religion. I don't value the things that diminish you when you do tell the truth. So I'm not scared of the end result, and that is the biggest asset I have.
– Susan Powter
The nice, blanket, politically correct way to cover God is to say, 'however you choose to describe it.' But somebody needs to start talking about the truth, which is the fact that God is inevitably always referred to as 'He.' The only God that you are really allowed to find is male.
– Susan Powter
I'm much more comfortable with doing interviews now because I'm harder to misquote. Everything I'm about is freedom of choice and knowing what the truth can do.
– Prince
Odds life! must one swear to the truth of a song?
– Matthew Prior
Sincere forgiveness isn't colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don't worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them. Life feeds back truth to people in its own way and time.
– Sara Paddison
The truth is that literature, particularly fiction, is not the pure medium we sometimes assume it to be. Response to it is affected by things other than its own intrinsic quality; by a curiosity or lack of it about the people it deals with, their outlook, their way of life.
– Vance Palmer
For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
– Ivan Panin