Nature Quotes

Terror is as much a part of the concept of truth as runniness is of the concept of jam. We wouldn't like jam if it didn't, by its very nature, ooze. We wouldn't like truth if it wasn't sticky, if, from time to time, it didn't ooze blood.
– Jean Baudrillard
Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother's face, her aspect and her attitude.
– Beck
Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, more than honor, to the persons who possess it.
– Henry Ward Beecher
Fellini belongs to nature.
– Roberto Benigni
Charlie, what is nature of life?
– Edgar Bergen
Nothing in the nature around us is evil. This needs to be repeated since one of the human ways of talking oneself into inhuman acts is to cite the supposed cruelty of nature.
– John Berger
It is insight into human nature that is the key to the communicator's skill. For whereas the writer is concerned with what he puts into his writings, the communicator is concerned with what the reader gets out of it. He therefore becomes a student of how people read or listen.
– William Bernbach
Religion. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.
– Ambrose Bierce
What the Court really has refused to recognize is the fundamental interest all individuals have in controlling the nature of their intimate associations.
– Harry A. Blackmun
Action, so to speak, is the genius of nature.
– Robert Blair
The grave, dread thing! Men shiver when thou'rt named: Nature appalled, Shakes off her wonted firmness.
– Robert Blair
Surfing is such an amazing concept. You're taking on Nature with a little stick and saying, 'I'm gonna ride you!' And a lot of times Nature says, 'No you're not!' and crashes you to the bottom.
– Jolene Blalock
I don't think it's the nature of any man to be monogamous. Men are propelled by genetically ordained impulses over which they have no control to distribute their seed.
– Marlon Brando
Of all the arts in which the wise excel, nature's chief masterpiece is writing well.
– Andre Breton
Nature hav no music; nor would ther be for thee, any better melody in the April woods at dawn, than what an old stone-deaf labourer, lying awake o'night in his comfortless attic, might perchance be aware of, when the rats run amok in his thatch?
– Robert Bridges
The name of happiness is but a wider term for the unalloy'd conditions of the Pleasur of Life, attendant on all function, and not to be deny'd to th' soul, unless forsooth in our thought of nature spiritual is by definition unnatural.
– Robert Bridges
Man masters nature not by force but by understanding. This is why science has succeeded where magic failed: because it has looked for no spell to cast over nature.
– Jacob Bronowski
We are all afraid for our confidence, for the future, for the world. That is the nature of the human imagination. Yet every man, every civilization, has gone forward because of its engagement with what it has set itself to do.
– Jacob Bronowski
We gain our ends only with the laws of nature; we control her only by understanding her laws.
– Jacob Bronowski
My father said If somebody hits you, then you hit them back harder. That's the nature of the black family.
– Bobby Brown
Of what I call God, And fools call Nature.
– Robert Browning
I was always an early riser. Happy the man who is! Every morning day comes to him with a virgin's love, full of bloom and freshness. The youth of nature is contagious, like the gladness of a happy child.
– Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Truth makes on the ocean of nature no one track of light; every eye, looking on, finds its own.
– Edward Bulwer-Lytton
At 34 she is an extremely beautiful woman, lavishly endowed by nature with a few flaws in the masterpiece: She has an insipid double chin, her legs are too short and she has a slight potbelly. She has a wonderful bosom, though.
– Richard Burton
There's a roughness and a surprising nature to most B movies that you don't get in classic films-something more immediate. I never chose those movies to leave impressions in my brain, they just did.
– Tim Burton
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep Sea, and music in its roarI love not Man the less, but Nature more.
– Lord Byron
Art is Man's nature. Nature is God's art.
– Philip James Bailey
In lang, lang days o' simmer, When the clear and cloudless sky Refuses ae weep drap o' rain To Nature parched and dry, The genial night, wi' balmy breath, Gars verdue, spring anew, An' ilka blade o' grass Keps its ain drap o' dew.
– James Ballantine
It is the indispensible duty of those, who maintain for themselves the rights of human nature, and who possess the obligations of Christianity, to extend their power and influence to the relief of every part of the human race from whatever burden or oppression they may unjustly labor under.
– Benjamin Banneker
If you haven't had at least a slight poetic crack in the heart, you have been cheated by nature.
– Phyllis Battelle
A literature has developed on whether discrimination in the marketplace due to prejudice disappears in the long run. Whether employers who do not want to discriminate will eventually compete away all discriminating employers depends not only on the distribution of tastes for discrimination among potential employers, but critically also on the nature of firm production functions.
– Gary Becker
When a fantasy turns you on, you're obligated to God and nature to start doing it - right away.
– Stewart Brand
It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony.
– Benjamin Britten
Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature, because God is not capricious or arbitrary. No such faith comforts the software engineer.
– Fred Brooks, Jr.
Nature often holds up a mirror so we can see more clearly the ongoing processes of growth, renewal, and transformation in our lives.
– Mary Ann Brussat
I didn't want to tell the tree or weed what it was. I wanted it to tell me something and through me express its meaning in nature.
– Wynn Bullock
This product is a compromise, and the nature of compromise is that you don't get everything you want.
– Conrad Bums
If you violate Nature's laws you are your own prosecuting attorney, judge, jury, and hangman.
– Luther Burbank
Our purpose is simply to ask how theological principles can be shown to have usable secular analogues that throw light upon the nature of language.
– Kenneth Burke
Love is a strange master, and human nature is still stranger.
– Edgar Rice Burroghs
And muse on Nature with a poet's eye.
– Thomas Campbell
Love is a chain of love as nature is a chain of life.
– Truman Capote
I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, the nature of what I do, is divadom, it really is.
– Mariah Carey
No one settles in for a long career in TV! It is just the nature of business-no one is indispensable. There is no one who can't be replaced.
– Tucker Carlson
I must have been dreaming about Albie. I spoke in a Liverpool accent all the time. It becomes second nature. It's much easier like that. It seems to me common sense rather than extraordinary.
– Robert Carlyle
Because of the nature of Moore's law, anything that an extremely clever graphics programmer can do at one point can be replicated by a merely competent programmer some number of years later.
– John Carmack
The control of nature is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the The greatest joy in nature is the absence of man.
– Bliss Carman
And thus they give the time, that Nature meant for peaceful sleep and meditative snores, to ceaseless din and mindless merriment and waste of shoes and floors.
– Lewis Carroll
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever.
– Jimmy Carter
God is a character, a real and consistent being, or He is nothing. If God did a miracle He would deny His own nature and the universe would simply blow up, vanish, become nothing.
– Joyce Cary
That's the nature of women, not to love when we love them, and to love when we love them not.
– Miguel de Cervantes
I'm a competitive person and it is in my nature to try hard in every match I play. The only time I'm not competitive is when I'm playing against my mom.
– Michael Chang
Every mind was made for growth, for knowledge, and its nature is sinned against when it is doomed to ignorance.
– William Ellery Channing
True popular ballads are the spontaneous products of nature.
– Francis James Child
National Missile Defense is of a nature to retrigger a proliferation of weapons, notably nuclear missiles. Everything that goes in the direction of proliferation is a bad direction.
– Jacques Chirac
And all men are ready to pass judgement on the priest as if he was not a being clothed with flesh, or one who inherited a human nature.
– Saint John Chrysostom
Since an intelligence common to us all makes things known to us and formulates them in our minds, honorable actions are ascribed by us to virtue, and dishonorable actions to vice; and only a madman would conclude that these judgments are matters of opinion, and not fixed by nature.
– Marcus Tullius Cicero
Time destroys the speculation of men, but it confirms nature.
– Marcus Tullius Cicero
Consciousness is nature's nightmare.
– Emile M. Cioran
Still, I have been no one's enemy but my own. My easy nature, either in drinking or anything else, was always ready to submit to persuasions of profligate companions, who often led me into snares.
– John Clare
I shall proceed from the simple to the complex. But in war more than in any other subject we must begin by looking at the nature of the whole; for here more than elsewhere the part and the whole must always be thought of together.
– Karl Von Clausewitz
The only line that's wrong in Shakespeare is 'holding a mirror up to nature.' You hold a magnifying glass up to nature. As an actor you just enlarge it enough so that your audience can identify with the situation. If it were a mirror, we would have no art.
– Montgomery Clift
At the same time that I'm finding the color world I want, I'm also trying to make the imagery, you know, by the nature of the strokes themselves.
– Chuck Close
A poet ought not to pick nature's pocket. Let him borrow, and so borrow as to repay by the very act of borrowing. Examine nature accurately, but write from recollection, and trust more to the imagination than the memory.
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Like water, we are truest to our nature in repose.
– Cyril Connolly
What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what's going on.
– Jacques Cousteau
Nature makes woman to be won and men to win.
– George William Curtis
That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased.
– Sarah Caldwell
Teaching man his relatively small sphere in the creation, it also encourages him by its lessons of the unity of Nature and shows him that his power of comprehension allies him with the great intelligence over-reaching all.
– Annie Jump Cannon
I haven't always done things this way. It's the nature of the two books. They have been so consuming that I end up living inside them.
– Caleb Carr
I can either side with what I think is right as far as corruption is concerned, or I can wipe it under the rug. The nature of this job is you either make people mad as a result of events and investigations, or you make them happy by sugar-coating it and sweeping it under the rug. And I chose not to go that route.
– Ben Chandler
We manipulate nature as if we were stuffing an Alsatian goose. We create new forms of energy; we make new elements; we kill crops; we wash brains. I can hear them in the dark sharpening their lasers.
– Erwin Chargaff
Gardening, I told myself, is the most sociable of hobbies. The very nature of one's field of activities demands an audience. No one wants flowers to blush unseen or waste their sweetness.
– Barbara Cheney
Thou strange piece of wild nature!
– Colley Cibber
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature.
– Harold Coffin
Nature is that lovely lady to whom we owe polio, leprosy, smallpox, syphilis, tuberculosis, cancer.
– Stanley N. Cohen
Man does not bring to God's altar the stuff of nature in itself, in its initial structure, but something he has made and molded out of nature for the nourishment and the inspiration of men.
– Wilford O. Cross
I never had any other desire so strong, and so like covetousness, as that... I might be master at last of a small house and a large garden, with very moderate conveniences joined to them, and there dedicate the remainder of my life to the culture of them and the study of nature.
– Abraham Crowley
Is it right to probe so deeply into Nature's secrets? The question must here be raised whether it will benefit mankind, or whether the knowledge will be harmful.
– Pierre Curie
Custom, that is before all law; Nature, that is above all art.
– Samuel Daniel
There's an aspect of human nature in which we want to think we're better than somebody else. They're a different color. They speak a different language. They have a different name for the Creator. Whatever it is, that makes it okay for me to hate them, to try to get some of their land or some of their resources.
– John Denver
Quantum computation is... a distinctively new way of harnessing nature... It will be the first technology that allows useful tasks to be performed in collaboration between parallel universes.
– David Deutsch
Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own; and from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, it is but a succession of changes so gentle and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress.
– Charles Dickens
It could be that our faithlessness is a cowering cowardice born of our very smallness, a massive failure of imagination... If we were to judge nature by common sense or likelihood, we wouldn't believe the world existed.
– Annie Dillard
I don't believe in evil, I believe only in horror. In nature there is no evil, only an abundance of horror: the plagues and the blights and the ants and the maggots.
– Isak Dinesen
One must not attempt to justify them, but rather to sense their nature simply and clearly.
– Maureen Dowd
Nature meant me a wife, a silly harmless household Dove, fond without art; and kind without deceit.
– John Dryden
When a woman drinks it's as if an animal were drinking, or a child. Alcoholism is scandalous in a woman, and a female alcoholic is rare, a serious matter. It's a slur on the divine in our nature.
– Marguerite Duras
After Darwin, God's role changes from being the designer of all creatures, great and small, to being the designer of the laws of nature, from which natural selection can unfold, to being just perhaps the chooser of the laws.
– Daniel Dennett
I worship impersonal Nature, which is neither good or bad, and who knows neither love nor hatred.
– Savitri Devi
My dream is to save them from nature.
– Christian Dior
Ideas, like individuals, live and die. They flourish, according to their nature, in one soil or climate and droop in another. They are the vegetation of the mental world.
– Macneile Dixon
When I feel a little confused, the only thing to do is to turn back to the study of nature before launching once again into the subjects closest to heart.
– Raoul Dufy
The seed of God is in us. Given an intelligent and hard-working farmer, it will thrive and grow up to God, whose seed it is; and accordingly its fruits will be God-nature. Pear seeds grow into pear trees, nut seeds into nut trees, and God-seed into God.
– Meister Eckhart
A book is a fragile creature, it suffers the wear of time, it fears rodents, the elements and clumsy hands. so the librarian protects the books not only against mankind but also against nature and devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion.
– Umberto Eco
Shuffling is the only thing which Nature cannot undo.
– Sir Arthur Eddington
It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature.
– Albert Einstein
If men and women are to understand each other, to enter into each other's nature with mutual sympathy, and to become capable of genuine comradeship, the foundation must be laid in youth.
– Henry Ellis
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
All conservatives are such from personal defects. They have been effeminated by position or nature, born halt and blind, through luxury of their parents, and can only, like invalids, act on the defensive.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson