Quotes about: change

Few expected very much of Franklin Roosevelt on Inauguration Day in 1933. Like Barack Obama seventy-six years later, he was succeeding a failed Republican president, and Americans had voted for change. What that change might be Roosevelt never clearly said, probably because he himself didn't know.
– Russell Baker
Famous pivot stories are often failures but you don't need to fail before you pivot. All a pivot is is a change is strategy without a change in vision. Whenever entrepreneurs see a new way to achieve their vision - a way to be more successful - they have to remain nimble enough to take it.
– Eric Ries
Fame changes a lot of things, but it can't change a lightbulb.
– Gilda Radner
Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees.
– David Letterman
Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.
– John Wooden
Facebook is at the forefront. It's the company that can fundamentally change the way information is being exchanged and processed. It can be the basis for artificial intelligence to develop over time.
– Yuri Milner
Exploiting people's emotions of fear, envy and anxiety is not hope, it's not change, it's partisanship. We don't need partisanship. We don't need demagoguery, we need solutions.
– Paul Ryan
Excuses change nothing, but make everyone feel better.
– Mason Cooley
Everything can change at any moment, suddenly and forever.
– Paul Auster
Everyone has that friend who's every day, like, 'I hate my nose, I hate my nose, I hate my nose.' You either need to come to peace with it and be like, alright, I hate it, but it's part of me - or change it. So I'm not against plastic surgery, I'm against plastic surgery when it doesn't really need to be done.
– Lauren Conrad
Everybody talks about wanting to change things and help and fix, but ultimately all you can do is fix yourself. And that's a lot. Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect.
– Rob Reiner
Every time I hear, Cut. Print, something cold and electrical goes off in my head, because I'm never going to change that film.
– David Ogden Stiers
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
– Harriet Tubman
Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.
– Niels Bohr
Every day I'm thinking about change.
– Miuccia Prada
Ever since the collapse of cap and trade legislation and the realization that President Obama is unlikely to ever utter the words 'climate change' in public again, much less use the bully pulpit to prepare the nation for the catastrophic risks of inaction, the movement has been in a funk.
– Jeff Goodell
Even with, or perhaps, because of, this background, I have over the past few years sensed a very dramatic change in attitude on the part of Prince Edward Islanders towards the on-going rush for so-called modernization.
– Alex Campbell
Even if I know I shall never change the masses, never transform anything permanent, all I ask is that the good things also have their place, their refuge.
– Richard Wagner
Even before he came to power in 1997, Gordon Brown promised to change the accounts to parliament from simple litanies of cash in and cash out, to a more commercial system that took notice of the public property the departments were using. This system is known as resource accounting.
– James Buchan
Europe is dying. That is one of the unsayable truths of our time. We are undergoing the moral equivalent of climate change and no one is talking about it.
– Jonathan Sacks
Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent.
– Nolan Ryan
Effectively, change is almost impossible without industry-wide collaboration, cooperation and consensus.
– Simon Mainwaring
Educators are still spending way too much time trying to control what kids learn, bending the content to their own purposes, hoping beyond hope to change - by using technology - but not change too much.
– Daniel Greenberg
Economically, it's more expensive to make movies. I hope digital movies change that.
– Ang Lee
Each season I find myself constantly inspired by 'The Biggest Loser' contestants. Their tenacity and willingness to learn new, healthy habits is tremendous and the results speak for themselves. I am honored to be part of such an inspiring program that helps inspire positive change in so many lives.
– Curtis Stone
Dynamism is a function of change.
– Hillary Clinton
During my travels in Iraq, Israel, Gaza, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Europe and all over the United States, I have seen and heard the voices of people who want change. They want the stabilization of the economy, education and healthcare for all, renewable energy and an environmental vision with an eye on generations to come.
– Michael Franti
Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.
– Debby Boone
Doubt is an uneasy and dissatisfied state from which we struggle to free ourselves and pass into the state of belief while the latter is a calm and satisfactory state which we do not wish to avoid, or to change to a belief in anything else.
– Charles Sanders Peirce
Don't manage - lead change before you have to.
– Jack Welch
Don't change on me. Don't extort me unless you intend to do it forever.
– Tupac Shakur
Doing all we can to combat climate change comes with numerous benefits, from reducing pollution and associated health care costs to strengthening and diversifying the economy by shifting to renewable energy, among other measures.
– David Suzuki
Divorce is so common and accepted in America that beating myself up over it may sound ridiculous. But I was raised to believe that divorce wasn't an option to me, divorce equaled failure. I wasn't able to change that equation until I found myself in the right relationship.
– Trisha Yearwood
Despite the fact that in America we incarcerate more juveniles for life terms than in any other country in the world, the truth is that the vast majority of youth offenders will one day be released. The question is simple and stark. Do we want to help them change or do we want to help them become even more violent and dangerous?
– Ayelet Waldman
Design can change how you look at yourself.
– Ty Pennington
Denmark needs change, Denmark needs to move on and Denmark needs my leadership.
– Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Customs and convictions change respectable people are the last to know, or to admit, the change, and the ones most offended by fresh reflections of the facts in the mirror of art.
– John Updike
Culture and tradition have to change little by little. So 'new' means a little twist, a marriage of Japanese technique with French ingredients. My technique. Indian food, Korean food I put Italian mozzarella cheese with sashimi. I don't think 'new new new.' I'm not a genius. A little twist.
– Masaharu Morimoto
Cubism was an attack on the perspective that had been known and used for 500 years. It was the first big, big change. It confused people: they said, 'Things don't look like that!'
– David Hockney
Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change.
– Barbara Januszkiewicz
Countries such as the U.S. and Britain have taken it upon themselves to decide for us in the developing world, even to interfere in our domestic affairs and to bring about what they call regime change.
– Robert Mugabe
Complainers change their complaints, but they never reduce the amount of time spent in complaining.
– Mason Cooley
Comedians walk out, get a feel for the crowd. If it's not going good, we change directions. If we got to drag your momma into this thing, we will. Whatever we got to do.
– Steve Harvey
Close elections tend to break toward the challenger because undecided voters - having held out so long against the incumbent - are by nature looking for change.
– Ron Fournier
Climate change was a point of division between Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney. The president declared climate change a global threat, acknowledged that the actions of humanity were deepening the crisis, and pledged to do something about it if elected.
– Ron Fournier
Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.
– Bill Gates
Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us.
– Bill Nye
Climate change is a global issue - from the point of view of the Earth's climate, a molecule of CO2 emitted in Bejing is the same as a molecule emitted in Sydney.
– Jeff Goodell
Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.
– Will Durant
Citizens, the priority now is to recover trust between the Egyptian - amongst the Egyptians and to have trust and confidence in our economy and international reputation and the fact that the change that we have embarked on will carry on and there's no going back to the old days.
– Hosni Mubarak
Christians should be ready for a change because Jesus was the greatest changer in history.
– Ralph Abernathy
Choose your corner, pick away at it carefully, intensely and to the best of your ability and that way you might change the world.
– Charles Eames
Chinese people themselves, they really want change.
– The Dalai Lama
China and India will take the global leadership on climate change: they are suffering for it.
– Malcolm Turnbull
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
– Norman Vincent Peale
Change yourself and your work will seem different.
– Norman Vincent Peale
Change your opinions, keep to your principles change your leaves, keep intact your roots.
– Victor Hugo
Change means that what was before wasn't perfect. People want things to be better.
– Esther Dyson
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
– Barack Obama
Change is vital, improvement the logical form of change.
– James Cash Penney
Change is vital to any actor. If you keep playing lead after lead, you're really gonna dry up. Because all those vehicles wean you away from the truths of human behaviour.
– Gary Oldman
Change is the principal feature of our age and literature should explore how people deal with it. The best science fiction does that, head-on.
– David Brin
Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin.
– Denise McCluggage
Change is such hard work.
– Billy Crystal
Change is one of my favourite words.
– Carol Vorderman
Change is not only likely, it's inevitable.
– Barbara Sher
Change is not merely necessary to life - it is life.
– Alvin Toffler
Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a full-time job.
– Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy.
– Rudy Giuliani
Change is growth. For me it has been a very spiritual and musical rebirth.
– Lenny Kravitz
Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances departure of evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim.
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Change creates fear, and technology creates change. Sadly, most people don't behave very well when they are afraid.
– Daniel H. Wilson
Change brings opportunities. On the other hand, change can be confusing.
– Michael Porter
Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.
– Arthur Schopenhauer
Celebrity culture has gone crazy, and I think the reason is that real news is just not bearable, and it also seems impossible to change anything.
– Chris Martin
Cats don't like change without their consent.
– Roger Caras
But you say, does it represent change? The change is that we are fighting an insurance industry that has killed health reform for generations. They're spending tens of millions of dollars right now to defeat this bill, and we're on the doorstep of winning a great victory for the American people.
– David Axelrod
But the Wisdom of God, which is His only-begotten Son, being in all respects incapable of change or alteration, and every good quality in Him being essential, and such as cannot be changed and converted, His glory is therefore declared to be pure and sincere.
– Origen
But the scientific importance of a change in knowledge of fact consists precisely in j its having consequences for a system of theory.
– Talcott Parsons
But that citizen's perception was also at one with the truth in recognizing that the very brutality of the means by which the IRA were pursuing change was destructive of the trust upon which new possibilities would have to be based.
– Seamus Heaney
But if nothing but soul, or in soul mind, is qualified to count, it is impossible for there to be time unless there is soul, but only that of which time is an attribute, i.e. if change can exist without soul.
– Aristotle
But I think it's more that when you're young, you're invincible, you're immortal - or at least you think you are. The possibilities are limitless, you're inventing the future. Then you get older and suddenly you have a history. It's fixed. You can't change anything. I find that a bit disturbing, to be honest.
– Damien Hirst
But I absolutely believe that architecture is a social activity that has to do with some sort of communication or places of interaction, and that to change the environment is to change behaviour.
– Thom Mayne
But having said that, there's also a sea change in attitude towards media.
– Robert McChesney
But by providing the background picture - the universal situational awareness that we desire - by showing the anomalies, the Space-Based Radar will change the nature of how we do our analysis and our intelligence.
– Stephen Cambone
But Australia faces additional regional and global challenges also crucial to our nation's future - climate change, questions of energy and food security, the rise of China and the rise of India. And we need a strong system of global and regional relationships and institutions to underpin stability.
– Kevin Rudd
Business can be a source of progressive change.
– Jerry Greenfield
Brands must empower their community to be change agents in their own right. To that end, they need to take on a mentoring role. This means the brand provides the tools, techniques and strategies for their customers to become more effective marketers in achieving their own goals.
– Simon Mainwaring
Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy sweat will get you change.
– Jesse Jackson
Bill Gates is a relative newcomer to the fight against global warming, but he's already shifting the debate over climate change.
– Jeff Goodell
Believe it or not, lots of people change their majors and abandon their dreams just to avoid a couple of math classes in college.
– Danica McKellar
Being told about the effects of climate change is an appeal to our reason and to our desire to bring about change. But to see that Africans are the hardest hit by climate change, even though they generate almost no greenhouse gas, is a glaring injustice, which also triggers anger and outrage over those who seek to ignore it.
– Sigmar Gabriel
Being famous is having the power to really implement positive change in the world, and it gives you the power to do what you want. I'm really grateful for it because I can play music and people will listen.
– Sean Lennon
Before 'Schindler's List,' I wouldn't have believed movies had a lot of power for social change.
– Liam Neeson
Becoming famous and selling a lot of records doesn't change a thing.
– Macy Gray
Becoming a mother cannot help but change things. An author's life is reflected in their writing, whether they want it to be or not, and parenthood is one of the biggest life changes there is.
– Sarah Zettel
Because primarily of the power of the Internet, people of modest means can band together and amass vast sums of money that can change the world for some public good if they all agree.
– William J. Clinton
Because management deals mostly with the status quo and leadership deals mostly with change, in the next century we are going to have to try to become much more skilled at creating leaders.
– John P. Kotter
Beauty: the adjustment of all parts proportionately so that one cannot add or subtract or change without impairing the harmony of the whole.
– Leon Battista Alberti
Be content with what you are, and wish not change nor dread your last day, nor long for it.
– Marcus Aurelius Antoninus