Quotes about: change

Folks don't like to have somebody around knowing more than they do. It aggravates em. You're not gonna change any of them by talking right, they've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language.
– Harper Lee
I would change policy, bring back natural grass and nickel beer. Baseball is the belly-button of our society. Straighten out baseball, and you straighten out the rest of the world.
– Bill Lee
I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people.
– John Lennon
President Bush said it's now time for a change in Iraq and he wants them to have a Western-style democracy like ours. So right now in Iraq, the economy is collapsing, businessmen are corrupt, and Hussein wants his son to take over as president. Sounds like mission accomplished.
– Jay Leno
By the mid 1920s the typical American town was in full sexual bloom. The change came with erotic fashions, literature and movies, and an unsuspected sexual aid, the automobile.
– John Leo
The real sadness of fifty is not that you change so much but that you change so little.
– Max Lerner
I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.
– Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found.
– Anne Morrow Lindbergh
I understand why so many Americans were angry when I was first discovered in Afghanistan. I realize many still are, but I hope in time that feeling will change.
– John Walker Lindh
One expected growth, change; without it, the world was less, the well of inspiration dried up, the muses fled.
– Charles de Lint
Our conscience is not the vessel of eternal verities. It grows with our social life, and a new social condition means a radical change in conscience.
– Walter Lippmann
As life runs on, the road grows strange with faces new - and near the end. The milestones into headstones change, Neath every one a friend.
– James Russell Lowell
The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions.
– James Russell Lowell
Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.
– James Russell Lowell
I think complexity is mostly sort of crummy stuff that is there because it's too expensive to change the interface.
– Jaron Lanier
We don't have time to wait for President Bush to change his mind. How many breakthroughs have been missed as a result of this policy?
– Robert Lanza
I'm a typical middle child. I'm the mediator. The one that makes everything OK, puts their own needs aside to make sure everybody's happy. It's hard to change your nature, even with years and years of therapy.
– Jennifer Jason Leigh
He who stands with his face to the East in the morning will have the sun before him. If he does not change his posture, the Earth in the meantime having changed its, he will have the sun no longer before him, but behind.
– Daniel De Leon
To learn is to change. Education is a process that changes the learner.
– George B. Leonard
Human memory is a marvelous but fallacious instrument. The memories which lie within us are not carved in stone; not only do they tend to become erased as the years go by, but often they change, or even increase by incorporating extraneous features.
– Primo Levi
The concept of reason itself appears as an artificial attempt to separate intellectual powers from the frustrations, emotions, and accidents which cause events; the concept of reason is viewed as facade to prevent change.
– Edward Levi
You can bend it and twist it... You can misuse and abuse it... But even God cannot change the Truth.
– Michael Levy
Many, many, many small moves of many kinds can bring a way to manage change. The theory can come later.
– Flora Lewis
Our only security is our ability to change.
– John Lilly
For support, I fall back on my heart. Has a man any fault a woman cannot weave with and try to change into something better, if the god her man prays to is a mother holding a baby?
– Haniel Long
You change your life by changing your heart.
– Max Lucado
We've found that our lives are beginning to change, that the press, for instance, has taken an interest in us and our lives.
– Matt Lucas
We are bound no longer by the straitjacket of the past and nowhere is the change greater than in our profession of arms. What, you may well ask, will be the end of all of this? I would not know! But I would hope that our beloved country will drink deep from the chalice of courage.
– General Douglas MacArthur
One change always leaves the way open for the establishment of others.
– Niccolo Machiavelli
Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.
– Niccolo Machiavelli
The game has kept faith with the public, maintaining its old admission price for nearly thirty years while other forms of entertainment have doubled and tripled in price. And it will probably never change.
– Connie Mack
The wind of change is blowing through the continent. Whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousness is a political fact.
– Harold MacMillan
The self-image is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior.
– Maxwell Maltz
To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior.
– Maxwell Maltz
Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different.
– Katherine Mansfield
Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change.
– Katherine Mansfield
All you have to do is try not to change. But I wouldn't know how not to be myself.
– Dan Marino
I've been a Dolphin for 17 years, and I'll be a Dolphin for the rest of my life. That will never change.
– Dan Marino
We can change the lives of autistic children. We can make a difference. There are hundreds of families in Florida who can't afford the therapists.
– Dan Marino
Lord, where we are wrong, make us willing to change; where we are right, make us easy to live with.
– Peter Marshall
The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.
– Karl Marx
The policy of Russia is changeless. Its methods, its tactics, its maneuvers may change, but the polar star of its policy, world domination, is a fixed star.
– Karl Marx
What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.
– Abraham Maslow
If you don't change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news?
– W. Somerset Maugham
Whatever changes the new era brings, whatever new pathways we take, I am sure that our special relationship with America - forged in adversity, will not change.
– Mary McAleese
Syria and Iran have always had a pretty tight relationship, and it looks to me like they just cooked up a press release to put out to sort of restate the obvious. They're both problem countries; we know that. And this doesn't change anything.
– Mitch McConnell
The president feels not only do we need to change these rogue regimes, but even our friendly allies, who really basically have, sort of, benign dictatorships, need to get with the program if they want to have long-term security and prosperity from terrorism.
– Mitch McConnell
Change will never happen when people lack the ability and courage to see themselves for who they are.
– Bryant H. McGill
It's the most unhappy people who most fear change.
– Mignon McLaughlin
O Hope! dazzling, radiant Hope! What a change thou bringest to the hopeless; brightening the darkened paths, and cheering the lonely way.
– Aimee Semple McPherson
When you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future.
– Bernard Meltzer
I'm a little commitment phobic, in that I've always been someone who likes to take things one year at a time because as we all know, a year can change everything in your life.
– Debra Messing
Let a man turn to his own childhood - no further - if he will renew his sense of remoteness, and of the mystery of change.
– Alice Meynell
Our fathers valued change for the sake of its results; we value it in the act.
– Alice Meynell
Piracy is important to talk about. It's harming the music industry. It hurts all of us. The public needs to understand every time they buy a pirated CD, they hurt the industry. The only ones who can change that are the fans and the people that buy CDs. It's everybody's responsibility to prevent it.
– Luis Miguel
Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change.
– Barbara Mikulski
Schizophrenic is the best word - I change from day to day. I can be quite confusing. Indecisive, workaholic, and tired today.
– Brian Molko
I think if you're an actor, then you can work on stage - but if you've never done it before, you're going to have picked up a few things that you're going to need to change when you're working on stage.
– Dominic Monaghan
Tolerate, change, or be grateful.
– Rickie Moore
Pictures can and do make a difference. Strong images of historical events do have an impact on society. They can help with change.
– Charles Moore
The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mode of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change its form without being disappointed by the change; happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.
– Charles Morgan
The central conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it from itself.
– Daniel Patrick Moynihan
The priesthood is a marriage. People often start by falling in love, and they go on for years without realizing that love must change into some other love which is so unlike it that it can hardly be recognized as love at all.
– Iris Murdoch
I'm a catalyst for change. You can't be an outsider and be successful over 30 years without leaving a certain amount of scar tissue around the place.
– Rupert Murdoch
Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat, then you know he never will.
– John D. MacDonald
The world will change for the better when people decide they are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the way the world is, and decide to change themselves.
– Sydney Madwed
I feel that I have such an abundance in my life, and once you've seen how many people suffer and how little it takes for you to actually change their lives for the better, it's hard not to do something.
– Wendie Malick
There are many things we do not want about the world. Let us not just mourn them. Let us change them.
– Ferdinand E. Marcos
A person can run for years but sooner or later he has to take a stand in the place which, for better or worse, he calls home, and do what he can to change things there.
– Paule Marshall
One friend, one person who is truly understanding, who takes the trouble to listen to us as we consider our problems, can change our whole outlook on the work.
– Elton Mayo
Outstanding American men seem to see power as something you use in order to correct someone who's wrong, to change them, to show them you see more in this situation than the boss does. Outstanding American women, on the other hand, see power as a resource, something you can use to get people together, to gain commitment.
– David C. McClelland
We demand that the government of Canada force Stockwell Day to change his first name to Doris. Why do this, you may ask? Because it'll be fun.
– Rick Mercer
Girls are able to reach their potential now. Once they are out of the sport, they can still continue in the business world of sports. The whole role of the female is changing. Times do change, but we still have to work through adversity and learn to live with the decisions we make.
– Debbie Meyer
Once the season starts for me, there isn't a change in my focus, just a change in my tactics and strategies.
– Bode Miller
The voice of passion is better than the voice of reason. The passionless cannot change history.
– Czeslaw Milosz
You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty.
– Jessica Mitford
We're all living blinkered lives, and we're not seeing what's going on and looking to change it. I'm not saying that everyone has to make a political statement, but we need to be more aware of what's happening and why.
– Samantha Morton
You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.
– Mike Murdock
Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.
– Joyce A. Myers
Today in America, we are trying to prepare students for a high tech world of constant change, but we are doing so by putting them through a school system designed in the early 20th Century that has not seen substantial change in 30 years.
– Janet Napolitano
We must prepare young people for a brain-centered economy whose one constant is rapid change. The predominant classroom model a single teacher lecturing to 20, 30, or even more students reflects the production-line model of the Industrial Age, not the technological demands of our Information Age.
– Janet Napolitano
Now I must arrive at the time of my change from scientific rationality of thinking into the delusional thinking characteristic of persons... But I will not really attempt to describe this long period of time but rather avoid embarrassment by simply omitting to give the details of truly personal type.
– John Nash
Ignorance is always afraid of change.
– Jawaharlal Nehru
We cannot erase what has been done. We can apologize for it. We can express our outrage. We can say to the American people and to the people of the world, this is not our way and we do not condone it, but we cannot change it and we cannot erase it.
– Ben Nelson
To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
– John Henry Cardinal Newman
A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change.
– Earl Nightingale
Any change is resisted because bureaucrats have a vested interest in the chaos in which they exist.
– Richard Milhous Nixon
In the long term we can hope that religion will change the nature of man and reduce conflict. But history is not encouraging in this respect. The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars.
– Richard Milhous Nixon
What starts the process, really, are laughs and slights and snubs when you are a kid. If your anger is deep enough and strong enough, you learn that you can change those attitudes by excellence, personal gut performance.
– Richard Milhous Nixon
Fortune does not change men, it unmasks them.
– Susanne Curchod Necker
If you were black, you experienced prejudice. It wasn't a real horrible thing for us; we went through it. We noticed it mostly in the South and in Las Vegas, where we couldn't stay in the hotels where we entertained. But that began to change.
– Harold Nicholas
We are trying to change the tones in the state capitals - and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship.
– Grover Norquist
Do me a favor. The next time there is a marvelous, change-the-world invention that will increase efficiency, extend our reach, and give us new effectiveness, keep the news to yourself.
– Sue O'Brien
I find this proposed amendment very, very, very, very shocking. And immoral. And, you know, if civil disobedience is the way to go about change, then I think a lot of people will be going to San Francisco.
– Rosie O'Donnell
There are always women who will take men on their own terms. If I were a man I wouldn't bother to change while there are women like that around.
– Ann Oakley
The people who run the game, they are the ones who want to change it and make people believe that it's different somehow. It's not different, the only difference is that some ballplayers today have a chance for a four- or five-year contract and they can make big money.
– Tony Oliva
Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life.
– Herbert Otto
A renewed commitment to the freedom and opportunity of our people is the touchstone of our time. In this new century, where tests are many and challenges change with the shifting of the wind, we must hold fast to the principles that have made our nation the envy of the world.
– Bill Owens
I found a sound that people really liked - I found this basic concept and all I did was change the lyrics and the melody a little bit. My songs, if you listen to them, they're quite a lot alike, like Chuck Berry.
– Buck Owens
I believe that history has shape, order, and meaning; that exceptional men, as much as economic forces, produce change; and that passe abstractions like beauty, nobility, and greatness have a shifting but continuing validity.
– Camille Paglia