Quotes about: love

Cursed be he above all others Who's enslaved by love of money. Money takes the place of brothers, Money takes the place of parents, Money brings us war and slaughter.
– Anacreon
I both love and do not love; and am mad and not mad.
– Anacreon
I love to fly. I always wanted to fly. It's been one of my dreams since I was 3 years old. I remember saying to my mom, 3 years old, every day, 'I can fly!' Living on the ninth floor, it was dangerous.
– Elena Anaya
We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.
– Walter Anderson
All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.
– Julie Andrews
Let's just say that back in the old days, sex was available every two feet. But I never made love to anybody that did not want me to.
– Adam Ant
A man can hide all things, excepting twain - That he is drunk, and that he is in love.
– Antiphanes
People who lose their parents when young are permanently in love with them.
– Aharon Appelfeld
Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?
– Richard Bach
Evolution made civilization steward of this planet. A hundred thousand years later, the steward stood before evolution not helper but destroyer, not healer but parasite. So evolution withdrew its gift, passed civilization by, rescued the planet from intelligence and handed it to love.
– Richard Bach
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.
– Richard Bach
It is impossible to love and to be wise.
– Sir Francis Bacon
Little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth. For a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
– Sir Francis Bacon
That's all nonviolence is - organized love.
– Joan Baez
A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive.
– Pearl Bailey
The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love. What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.
– Pearl Bailey
A person cannot love a plant after he has pruned it, then he has either done a poor job or is devoid of emotion.
– Liberty Hyde Bailey
We must tell it to the world that the higher education is necessary to the best agriculture. We must tell our friends of our enthusiasm for the generous life of the country. We must say that we believe in our ability to make good use of every lesson which the University has given us. We must say to every man that our first love is steadfast, our hopes are high, and our enthusiasm is great. Our hearts are so full that we must celebrate.
– Liberty Hyde Bailey
In an age when the fashion is to be in love with yourself, confessing to be in love with somebody else is an admission of unfaithfulness to one's beloved.
– Russell Baker
I skated in ice shows all over Europe and South Africa for 20 years. I love to ice skate.
– Kenny Baker
I would still like to go up in the space shuttle. It's appalling that the accident happened, but it was an accident and obviously if I knew there was any risk, I'd be foolish to do it. I'd love to stand outside the Earth and look at it. Extraordinary feeling that, something that we've been tied to for millions of years, and a handful of people have looked at it, to be able to do that would be stunning.
– Colin Baker
I have a job that I truly love, and an enormous crew of people that can do things better than I can!
– Rick Baker
I went into show business because I love to work with people, and what I enjoy most about acting is rehearsing and getting to know people and their talents, forming relationships. Working in this business, barriers drop and you get into people real quickly.
– Scott Bakula
When a man is in love or in debt, someone else has the advantage.
– Bill Balance
Everybody's journey is individual. If you fall in love with a boy, you fall in love with a boy. The fact that many Americans consider it a disease says more about them than it does about homosexuality.
– James A. Baldwin
I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.
– James A. Baldwin
Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.
– James A. Baldwin
Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?
– James A. Baldwin
Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.
– James A. Baldwin
The noblest spirit is most strongly attracted by the love of glory.
– James A. Baldwin
The question of sexual dominance can exist only in the nightmare of that soul which has armed itself, totally, against the possibility of the changing motion of conquest and surrender, which is love.
– James A. Baldwin
I'm very patriotic. I'm an arch-patriot. When they play 'The Star Spangled Banner,' I get all choked up. I love my country.
– Alec Baldwin
My two best pieces would have to be Ghosts of Mississippi and my new film Bookworm. Bookworm was special for me to do because I really idolize the writings of Mamet. Also, I got to work with Tony Hopkins, and I really love Tony.
– Alec Baldwin
You gotta love these Christians, they're humble people.
– Stephen Baldwin
I love to utilize my celebrity status in a responsible and constructive and substantive manner. I like to get my hands dirty rather than a photo op.
– William Baldwin
I've been involved with the Creative Coalition since shortly after the founding... I love to really roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty on any level when it comes to these sorts of issues... on a grass roots level or a clerical level. I love to educate myself and others and help raise awareness on important issues.
– William Baldwin
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.
– Lucille Ball
Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead.
– Lucille Ball
Great love affairs start with Champagne and end with tisane.
– Honore de Balzac
Nobody loves a woman because she is handsome or ugly, stupid or intelligent. We love because we love.
– Honore de Balzac
The more you judge, the less you love.
– Honore de Balzac
When women love us, they forgive us everything, even our crimes; when they do not love us, they give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues.
– Honore de Balzac
I like going everywhere. And I love starting new things.
– Antonio Banderas
I love the diversity of America. I love the plain, normal sense of humor Americans have. It is not wicked, like in some countries. And I also love how new America is.
– Antonio Banderas
To be married in our profession is not an easy thing. There's too many beautiful people around, very interesting people. It's just a matter of really having-being patient and probably having the capacity and the faith of falling in love with your own wife again. That happens to me.
– Antonio Banderas
Love that is not madness is not love.
– Pedro Calderon de la Barca
When love is not madness, it is not love.
– Pedro Calderon de la Barca
I don't think when I make love.
– Brigitte Bardot
I love New York City; I've got a gun.
– Charles Barkley
But groundless hope, like unconditional love, is the only kind worth having.
– John Perry Barlow
The heart of the jealous knows the best and most satisfying love, that of the other's bed, where the rival perfects the lover's imperfections.
– Djuna Barnes
The advantage of love at first sight is that it delays a second sight.
– Natalie Clifford Barney
When you're in love you never really know whether your elation comes from the qualities of the one you love, or if it attributes them to her; whether the light which surrounds her like a halo comes from you, from her, or from the meeting of your sparks.
– Natalie Clifford Barney
Let no one who loves be unhappy, even love unreturned has its rainbow.
– James M. Barrie
The praise that comes from love does not make us vain, but more humble.
– James M. Barrie
I like to play dress up, I'm in love with fashion.
– Fantasia Barrino
You must learn day by day, year by year to broaden your horizon. The more things you love, the more you are interested in, the more you enjoy, the more you are indignant about, the more you have left when anything happens.
– Ethel Barrymore
Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock.
– John Barrymore
I love romance. I'm a sucker for it. I love it so much. It's pathetic.
– Drew Barrymore
I think I have a love for TV hosts. I can't help it. Ted Koppel was my first crush when I was three. Then I was in love with David Letterman. He's my sweetheart. But now I've got my Tom.
– Drew Barrymore
I think its nice when people find love, because I feel like everyone deserves it.
– Drew Barrymore
I used to look in the mirror and feel shame, I look in the mirror now and I absolutely love myself.
– Drew Barrymore
I want people to love me, but it's not going to hurt me if they don't.
– Drew Barrymore
I've always said that one night, I'm going to find myself in some field somewhere, I'm standing on grass, and it's raining, and I'm with the person I love, and I know I'm at the very point I've been dreaming of getting to.
– Drew Barrymore
Love is the hardest habit to break, and the most difficult to satisfy.
– Drew Barrymore
Oh, I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug 10 people at a time!
– Drew Barrymore
We pay just as dearly for our triumphs as we do for our defeats. Go ahead and fail. But fail with wit, fail with grace, fail with style. A mediocre failure is as insufferable as a mediocre success. Embrace failure! Seek it out. Learn to love it. That may be the only way any of us will ever be free. Tom Robbins before you give up hope, turn back and read the attacks that were made on Lincoln.
– Bruce Barton
Not even the visionary or mystical experience ever lasts very long. It is for art to capture that experience, to offer it to, in the case of literature, its readers; to be, for a secular, materialist culture, some sort of replacement for what the love of god offers in the world of faith.
– Jacques Barzun
Life has always taken place in a tumult without apparent cohesion, but it only finds its grandeur and its reality in ecstasy and in ecstatic love.
– Georges Bataille
Naturally, love's the most distant possibility.
– Georges Bataille
I think that can happen, that two people can love each other and not be able to get on at all.
– Alan Bates
I've never believed much in that holding hands kind of love. I've always thought that love is about two different personalities trying to confront life, trying to make sense of their responsibilities, to themselves, to each other, and to the wider society.
– Alan Bates
I love Wagner, but the music I prefer is that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws.
– Charles Baudelaire
It is unfortunately very true that, without leisure and money, love can be no more than an orgy of the common man. Instead of being a sudden impulse full of ardor and reverie, it becomes a distastefully utilitarian affair.
– Charles Baudelaire
Cowardice and courage are never without a measure of affectation. Nor is love. Feelings are never true. They play with their mirrors.
– Jean Baudrillard
If you say, I love you, then you have already fallen in love with language, which is already a form of break up and infidelity.
– Jean Baudrillard
There exists, between people in love, a kind of capital held by each. This is not just a stock of affects or pleasure, but also the possibility of playing double or quits with the share you hold in the other's heart.
– Jean Baudrillard
To love someone is to isolate him from the world, wipe out every trace of him, dispossess him of his shadow, drag him into a murderous future. It is to circle around the other like a dead star and absorb him into a black light.
– Jean Baudrillard
We have dreamt of every woman there is, and dreamt too of the miracle that would bring us the pleasure of being a woman, for women have all the qualities - courage, passion, the capacity to love, cunning - whereas all our imagination can do is naively pile up the illusion of courage.
– Jean Baudrillard
Let no man fear to die, we love to sleep all, and death is but the sounder sleep.
– Francis Beaumont
One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion.
– Simone de Beauvoir
The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes.
– Thomas Beecham
I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love.
– Henry Ward Beecher
It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship.
– Henry Ward Beecher
There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.
– Henry Ward Beecher
We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.
– Henry Ward Beecher
Young love is a flame; very pretty, often very hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deep-burning, unquenchable.
– Henry Ward Beecher
The most important things to do in the world are to get something to eat, something to drink and somebody to love you.
– Brendan Behan
Love ceases to be a pleasure when it ceases to be a secret.
– Aphra Behn
One hour of right-down love is worth an age of dully living on.
– Aphra Behn
From quiet homes and first beginning,Out to the undiscovered ends,There's nothing worth the wear of winning,But laughter and the love of friends.
– Hilaire Belloc
I'm tired of love; I'm still more tired of rhyme; but money gives me pleasure all the time.
– Hilaire Belloc
Goodness is achieved not in a vacuum, but in the company of other men, attended by love.
– Saul Bellow
I am pretty sure if the TV series 'Seinfeld' was on around when Maslow was writing this hierarchy of needs theory, not missing an episode would have made it somewhere between safety and love.
– Bo Bennett
While we are focusing on fear, worry, or hate, it is not possible for us to be experiencing happiness, enthusiasm or love.
– Bo Bennett
Nobody seems to know yet how television is going to affect the radio, movies, love, housekeeping or the church, but it has definitely revived vaudeville.
– Edgar Bergen
Every city has a sex and an age which have nothing to do with demography. Rome is feminine. So is Odessa. London is a teenager, an urchin, and, in this, hasn't changed since the time of Dickens. Paris, I believe, is a man in his twenties in love with an older woman.
– John Berger
God bless America, land that I love; stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above.
– Irving Berlin
I know the compassion of others is a relief at first. I don't despise it. But it can't quench pain, it slips through your soul as through a sieve. And when our suffering has been dragged from one pity to another, as from one mouth to another, we can no longer respect or love it.
– Georges Bernanos
They [black and white musicians] jived between each other. All were artists, playing foolish, having fights and making love as if the rest of the world had no racial problems whatsoever.
– Chuck Berry